The Legion of the Archangel Michael


   On June 24, 1927, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, together with a few battle-tested comrades, founded the Legion of the Archangel Michael. In all his writings, Codreanu, known to all Romanians as "The Captain", referred to the Legion of the Archangel Michael as the Legionary Movement. This Movement was known in foreign circles and press as "The Iron Guard". 
   Of great significance on the occasion of the founding of the Legion of the Archangel Michael are Codreanu's words: 

   "Those whose faith in God and the Legion have no boundary should enter our ranks. Those who waver and doubt should stay out."
   In a materialistic world Codreanu based his Movement on the following principles: 

   I .... FAITH IN GOD 
   Corneliu Codreanu was of the firm conviction that politics could not be separated from religion. Only men who have respect for the Divine Order can become true patriots. 

   Corneliu Codreanu believed that nations are divine creations and not mere products of history and geography. He also believed that every nation has a mission to fulfill in the world. Only nations that betray their God-given mission disappear from the face of the earth. 

   Man is a bearer of superior values which transcend his particular existence. As such, being a divine creation, his spiritual values precede all material needs. For the realization of these values, the individual must fight and sacrifice throughout his life. 
   Among his principles there exists a hierarchical order. The individual is subordinate to his nation, and, in turn, the nation is subordinate to God and His divine laws. 
   The Legion of the Archangel Michael represented a nationalistic movement, whose aim was to change the individual and create a new "state of mind" of the nation. The Movement was not a political party. However, the Movement participated in the political arena in Romania with a party known as "Everything For The Fatherland" (TOTUL PENTRU TARA). In the elections of 1937 this party had a resounding success. 
   With the help of the political leaders and the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, King Carol II abolished the constitution and assumed dictatorial power. The first act of suppression of the new dictator was the dissolution of all political parties. This started the most brutal persecution of the Legionary Movement. During this time, Codreanu and all the leaders of the Movement were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps and prisons. 
   After having appeased Hitler and having obtained his assurance of "no interference in internal affairs", Carol II ordered the assassination of Codreanu. During the night of November 29-30, 1938, Codreanu and thirteen Legionnaires were strangled to death. From 1938 to 1940 Romanian jails were filled with Legionnaires. Most of the leaders of the Legionary Movement were killed during this period of time---they were taken out of prisons and concentration camps and machine-gunned to death. 
1938 - 1940:  
   Legionary Movement was headed by different Legionnaires. All of these leaders were killed. 
September 3, 1940: 
   Horia Sima, as the new leader of the Movement, succeeded in over- throwing Carol II. After this "over-throw" of the King, Horia Sima was accepted and anointed as the leader of the Movement. In the new government of Romania, Horia Sima took the position of Vice President. 
January 1941:  
   General Antonescu, with the help of Hitler, assumed military dictatorship and unleashed a new persecution against the Legionary Movement. Horia Sima and over 400 Legionnaires took refuge in Germany. As political refugees, Horia Sima and the other Legionnaires were incarcerated in the concentration camps of Buchenwald, Dachau and Oranienburg. 
August 23, 1944;  
   King Michael, with the help of the leaders of the political parties, arrested General Antonescu and committed the shameful act of treason against its ally, Germany. The Romanian army entered the war against Germany. 
August 26, 1944:  
   Horia Sima formed the National Romanian Government and became the President of the Romanian Government, with headquarters in Vienna. 
   The Legionary Movement in Exile, under the leadership of Horia Sima, continues the fight against communism. 


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