de Zaharia MARINEASA




Nu existã antisemitism.


Exista numai o problemã evreiascã.

Sub acest titlu, "Legionarism contra extremism", Zaharia Marineasa (1921-1997)publicat in Gazeta de Vest din Martie 1995, am raspuns unor acuzatii nedrepte aduse Miscarii Legionare de catre comunisti si de alte asociatii cosmopolite si oculte. Argumentatia avea un caracter general, si din aceasta cauza acuzatiei de antisemitism i-a fost acordata o importanta redusa. De data aceasta, antisemitismul fiind un subiect determinat de o provocare agresiva din partea evreilor, un raspuns ca cel din randurile care urmeaza este justificat. 

Intai, trebuie sa cadem de acord asupra intelesului de "antisemitism". Sa admitem ca el ar fi egal cu sensul de "ostil evreilor". Dar de ce ostil? Si mai departe parerile se despart. De-o parte fiind evreii care se pretind alesii de drept ai cerului si ai pamantului, si de cealalta parte contestatarii acestor pretentii, adunati acum in multimea celor denumiti conventional "anti". Referindu-ne numai la fericirea pamanteasca, eliminand din discutie mantuirea si vesnicia, crestinismul chiar si in acest teritoriu acorda drepturi egale tuturor, fara discriminari religioase sau etnice, recomandandu-ne: "Fericiti cei blanzi ca aceia vor mosteni pamantul". E o cale a dragostei lui Dumnezeu fata de oameni, dar pe care evreii o resping, asumandu-si riscul nefericirii pe care o poarta ca pe un blestem. De aceea, in limbajul nostru, termenul care sa exprime aceasta dureroasa nepotrivire, corect ar fi sa-l numim "problema evreiasca", si nicidecum "antisemitism romanesc sau legionar". Caci urmarind cauzele din care s-a nascut aceasta problema, vom descoperi intai marele pericol "anticrestin" si "antiromanesc".



Prin exemplele si comparatiile pe care acest articol le ofera cititorului, antisemitismul de care sunt acuzati legionarii va ramane o afirmatie gratuita si plina de ura din partea evreilor. 
Iata cateva fragmente pe care le-am extras din scrisorile adresate Domnului Traian Popescu, directorul Editurii Carpatii din Madrid. Una din scrisori este semnata de David Kaufman, scrisoarea purtand sigla: 

 Jewish Community of America 



 Raspunsul d-lui Traian Popescu:


"Insultele ii descalifica pe cei ce profereaza asemenea murdarii, iar stapanirea absoluta a Americii de catre evrei e o chestiune care-i priveste pe americani, noi nu ne amestecam. Ceea ce pare insa de necrezut este ca un for de importanta majora in lupta de constituire si afirmare a Statului israelian, ca cel jucat de Comunitatea Evreilor din SUA, poate ingadui membrilor ei sa puna in circulatie pamflete ca cele reproduse care nu fac decat sa inaspreasca conditiile de convietuire  pasnica pe care liderii politici ai lumii actuale cauta cu atatea laudabile eforturi sa le impuna pe planeta". 

Dintr-o alta scrisoare, redam urmatoarele fragmente:


  Jewish Community  of America 

"D-lui Traian Popescu - 29 Iulie 1984 
Cum ati nesocotit voi, ma prosti batrani, imensa noastra forta, desfasurata permanent in lume sub toate timpurile [...]  Invingem pe linie de tara: Israelul. -Invingem pe linie de international ocult si secret: Franc-masoneria. -Invingem pe linie de internationala muncitoreasca: comunismul. [...] 
Cristos, regele si imparatul vostru, dumnezeul vostru, a fost pus de noi (nu putem repeta in continuare cuvintele murdare adresate lui Cristos. n.n.) [...]" 

Fragmente din raspunsul D-lui Traian Popescu, adresat lui Marius Ligi pentru acuzatiile aduse:


"Nu, Domnule Marius Ligi. Aceasta este ticluirea tendentioasa a unei perverse inclinari spre denaturarea adevarului istoric si uman. Legionarii nu au asasinat. Ei au pedepsit cativa dintre autorii morali ai abominabilelor prigoniri la care au fost supusi. Legionarii n-au fugit de raspundere ca teroristii lasi de stanga. Ei s-au predat autoritatilor si au primit pedepsele prevazute de legi. Antisemitism legionar nu a existat, nici rasial: dorinta Capitanului Corneliu Codreanu a fost de a reincorpora Romanii in drepturile lor incalcate. Mai degraba anticomunismul s-a transformat in antisemitism, prin constatarea ca agentii propovaduitori ai marxismului moscovit in Romania erau intr-o proportie de 90% evrei." 

RIVAROL Nr. 1500 - 22.II.1979 

Aaron Vangelis este directorul celui mai important ziar evreiesc din Rusia Sovietica - Sowietisch Heimland - scris in yddisch si cu un tiraj de 10.000 exemplare. El afirma categoric la cel de-al VII-lea Congres al "chestiunilor evreiesti" tinut la New York: 
"Am venit ca sa va aduc aminte ca noi am avut o revolutie numita revolutia din Octombrie. Noi, evreii, ne-am varsat sangele pentru ea. Noi am dus cel de-al doilea razboi mondial pentru a o apara, caci noi construim o lume noua... Ma gandesc la minunata istorie evreiasca, la eroii nostri, Macabeii, la martirii din Varsovia, la eroii evrei ai revolutiei sovietice."

* * *


In Romania a existat o problema evreiasca inainte de infiintarea Miscarii Legionare 


In continuare am extras fragmente din atitudinile celor mai importanti oameni de cultura romani privind problema evreiasca in Romania.


Vasile Conta 

"Noi, daca nu vom lupta in contra elementului jidovesc, vom pieri ca natiune". 
(Din discursul contra rezivuirii art. 7 din Constitutie, tinut in Camera Deputatilor, sedinta de la 4 Sept. 1879, publicat in Monitorul Oficial nr. 201/1879).


Vasile Alecsandri 

"Cine sunt navalitori, de unde vin si ce vreau? [...] sunt cei mai exclusivisti din toti locuitorii pamantului [...] dorind a face din tara intreaga o proprietate izraelita?" 
"Blamul s-ar cuveni noua, Romanilor, daca [...] prin aplicarea unor teorii umanitare, am da insine o mana de ajutor la indeplinirea acestui plan. Tara si-ar intoarce ochii cu durere de la noi". 
(Din discursul contra reviziunii art. 7 din Constitutie, rostit in Senatul Romaniei, in sedinta din 10 Oct. 1879, publicat in Mon. Of. nr. 230/1879). 


Mihail Kogalniceanu 

"In Romania, cestiunea jidovilor nu este religioasa; ea este o cestiune nationala si economica. [...] Toti acei care au vizitat Principatele, si indeosebi Moldova, s-au inspaimantat de aspectul trist [...] ce-l infatiseaza israelitii. [...] De aceea, nu de astazi, ci de pururea, in tot timpul si sub toate regimurile, toti domnii, toti barbatii de stat ai Romaniei [...] s-au preocupat de a opri exploatarea poporului roman prin alt popor strain lui, prin jidovi". 
(Din comunicarea lui Kogalniceanu care detinea functia de Ministru de Interne, adresata Ministrului de Externe privitor la chestiunea evreiasca. Publicata de M. Bujoreanu 1873, sub titlul: "Dispozitiuni si circulare" capitolul X pag. 813-816).


Mihail Eminescu 

"Noi, din nefericire,suntem convinsi ca Europa oficiala stie intreaga stare de lucruri de la noi [...] ca agentii consulari au date statistice mai exacte decat noi insine, ca diplomatia europeana stie ca noi suntem cei amenintati si persecutati si evreii cei amenintatori si persecutori..." 
(Un exemplu) "D-nul Flaislan ne spune in raportul general al consiliului de igiena ca in anul 1878 in Iasi, au murit 1.454 crestini si s-au nascut 1.093, adica au murit cu 361 mai multi de cum s-au nascut, pe cand din mult persecutatii evrei s-au nascut 1.602 si au murit 1.428, adica s-au nascut cu 174 mai multi decat au murit." 
 Eminescu isi incheie articolul din ziarul Timpul din 25 Mai 1879, cu blestemul lui Vasile Lupu: "Cine-si vicleneste mosia si neamul mai rau decat ucigasii de parinti sa se certe".[...] 
"Aceste uneltiri au facut pe evrei sa piarza pana si pe putinii lor amici sinceri dintre romani. Din momentul insa ce-i vedem aliati cu strainii contra tarii in care traiesc [...] pentru a capata drepturi, de la straini capete-le". (1 August 1879). 

In articolul "E cumplita starea..." din 19 Iunie 1881, Eminescu ne arata o statistica a populatiei din orasul Iasi pe deceniul 1870-1879. In acesti zece ani orasul Iasi prezinta datele urmatoare: s-au nascut 10.329 romani si au murit 15.952 romani, deci 5.623 romani mai putin. Izraeliti s-au nascut 17.446 si au murit 12.294, deci cu 5.152 mai multi izraeliti. (Dupa cel mai elementar calcul, in mai putin de o suta de ani, romanii erau eliminati prin moarte din Iasi). 
Din art. din 13 Oct. 1881: 
"Goniti din marea Imparatie ruseasca, persecutati in Germania, rau vazuti in Austro-Ungaria, evreii trec in carduri marginile tarii noastre". 
"... nationalitatea romana ca oricare alta are dreptul innascut de a-si apara mostenirea istorica... Alegerea armelor si mijloacelor atarna de timp si imprejurari..." 
Din alt articol: "De cate ori se discuta cestiunea israelita, scriitorul roman are teama de a vedea vorbele sale interpretandu-se ca ura de rasa, ca prejuditiu national ori religios. Intrebam acum de ce folos, de ce necesitate pot fi evreii, economic si politic, pentru o tara a carei populatie se stinge din momentul in care ei intra in contact cu ea. Romanul e lenes, e imoral, e vicios. De ce insa nu e imoral si vicios acolo unde nu sunt evrei"? 

(Citatele sunt extrase din Opera politica semnata de Mihail Eminescu, publicistica intre 1 Ian. -31 Dec. 1881 in ziarul Timpul, Ed. Academiei 1985).


Ion Heliade Radulescu 

"Nu vedeti Dumneavoastra ca evreii din Englitera si Franta nu cer drepturi de cetateni in Romania, ci privilegii, suprematia..." 
(din Echilibru intre anthitese de I. Heliade Radulescu Bucuresti 1859-1869 partea III, titlul "Israelitii si jidanii", cap. X, pag. 380-383).


Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu 

"Asa dara, Talmudul prevede pentru jidani purtare impotriva noastra: 
"Daca sunteti mai puternici decat crestinii, exterminati-i"[...]". 
(din Studii asupra iudaismului, Bucuresti, 1866, Tipografia Th. Vaidescu, clasa Bossel nr. 34, pag. 30, 31). 


Costache Negri 

"Jidovimea, adica 1/7 parte din poporatiunea noastra totala, este cea mai trista lepra cu care ne-au osandit slabiciunea si venalitatea noastra". 
(din Scrisoarea catre Lupascu trimisa in 12 Ianuarie 1869, publicate in volumul C. Negri, de E. Garleanu, Ed. Minerva 1909, pag. 116).


A. D. Xenopol 

"... Romanii nu sunt primiti in casele jidovesti decat ca slugi sau hamali". 
"Jidanii practica deci fata de Romani exclusivismul economic cel mai riguros si nu pot renunta la el caci le este prescris de insasi religia lor". (din La question israelite en Roumanie par A. D. Xenopol, Paris, pag. 17).


Vasile Parvan 

"... Caci noi, oamenii foarte constienti [...] n-avem vreme acum sa ne ocupam cu astfel de nimicuri, precum e cancerul evreesc care distruge tara Moldovei".... 
(Despre Evrei, reeditare 1981, pag. 98)


Nicolae Iorga 

"Evreii s-au asezat, cum se va vedea, in palcuri razlete abia in secolul al XVIII-lea". 
"Romanul poate face orice si concura pe oricine, cu o singura conditie: sa fie ajutat de tara lui..." 
Evreii n-au adus nici un mestesug care sa reprezinte o creatiune si o traditie a lor..." In domeniul micii industrii ei erau carpaci, in domeniul comertului, ei au fost numai mijlocitori, fara folos, nici-o tovarasie cu altii n-a fost admisa decat aceia pentru un act de coruptie". 
"Confundati politic cu noi, care am facut si marit Statul, ei, Evreii, aveau datoria de a iesi din ghetto. Au facut-o? Nu. Traiesc mai departe intre ei, ca natie navalitoare [...] ei ne dau, pur si simplu afara din tara noastra. Dandu-si seama de puterea lor in crestere, ei ne sugruma [...] si, ce e mai pierzator, ne falsifica sufletul, ne degradeaza moralitatea prin opiul ziaristic si literar..." (din cartea Iudaica).


Dr. N. C. Paulescu (savant, descoperitorul insulinei)

(cateva fragmente din cartile scrise de Dr. Paulescu) 
"In Talmud se afla legislatia evreiasca, iar Cahalul si Francmasoneria sunt organizatiile de lucru pentru stapanirea omenirii". 
"In cuprinsul metodelor lor se gasesc sisteme perfide prin care natiunile sunt puse sa lucreze la propria lor ruina si la propria lor nimicire". 
Din capitolul Scrisoare catre evrei: "Un scriitor al vostru evreu: Bernard Lazare, spune in cartea sa Antisemitismul aparuta la Paris in 1894: 
"Pretutindeni  unde jidovii s-au stabilit, s-a dezvoltat antisemitismul". Si, dupa ce face aceasta trista constatare, el adauga: 
"Cauzele generale ale antisemitismului trebuie sa se afle in insusi Israel, iar nu in cei ce il combat". 
De altfel, nu e vorba aici de o lupta religioasa. "Popoarele politeiste, ca si popoarele crestine, au combatut, - nu doctrina Dumnezeului Unul, - ci pe jidov". 
Acelasi autor intreaba: 
"De ce oare ovreiul a fost rand pe rand si egal maltratat  sau urat, de Egipteni si de Romani, - de Persi si de Arabi, - de Turci si de natiile crestine?" -alungati din Anglia in sec. XIII, din Franta alungati in sec. XIV, din Spania alungati in 1492, n. n. 
Si tot el raspunde: "Pentru ca pretutindeni si pana in zilele noastre, el a fost o fiinta insociabila... un exclusiv, ...". 
Despre acest raspuns, Dr. Paulescu ne spune ca, "desi adevarat, - e insa obscur, caci in realitate, ovreiul e urat de toate popoarele, [...] pentru ca e sclavul hotiei si al trufiei...". 
Prin urmare, antisemitismul e manifestarea unui instinct de aparare...


I. C. Bratianu 

(Despre mentinerea art. 7 si de-a respinge art. 44 al tratalului de la Berlin) 
Cuvinte din discursul D-lui I. C. Bratianu: 
"Cand ar veni deputati israeliti in Camera, ei care nu au inca dezvoltate simtamintele romanesti, ei care sunt mai toti straini in tara aceasta si prin limba, si prin moravuri, si prin viata lor" [...] 
"Care din marile puteri ar putea cere de la noi ca, pentru amorul unui principiu, sa ne ucidem nationalitatea"? 

Numerus Clausus 

"Studentii cer limitarea numarului evreilor pana la proportia dintre numarul lor si numarul total al romanilor. La Cernauti si Iasi erau in Universitati cca 70% evrei. 
Despre aceasta problema prof. univ. I. Gavanescul de la Universitatea din Iasi a scris in "Imperativul momentului istoric", pag. 64-68.


Octavian Goga 

(din Mustul care fierbe, Ed. Scripta, 1992) 
pag. 291: "...Emigratia continua, nepotolita, metodica, ca dirijata de-un bine chibzuit plan strategic". 
"Daca a schita un gest de aparare impotriva ei inseamna a ne lipi pe frunte pecetea de "antisemiti" ... si denuntati Europei ca huligani..." 
pag. 305: "Reactiunea a trebuit sa vina si la noi. Miscarea tinerilor universitari e cea mai eclatanta dovada a situatiei schimbate. S-ar parea ca orizontul se insenineaza din nou si sufletul de idealism de pe vremea Marasestilor ne invioreaza iarasi".


Mitropolitul Irineu Mihalcescu 

(Din cartea Teologia Luptatoare Ed. Episc. Rom. si Hus., 1994, pag. 165-174) 
Despre Francmasonerie: 
Originea sigura a francmasoneriei dateaza din anul 1717. Intemeierea apartine predicatorilor reformati al Curtii regale, Teofil Desaguliers, James Anderson si arheologul George Payne, sub denumirea unei societati of Free Stones Masons, cultivand o moralitate fara religie. 
 "Francmasoneria s-a schimbat insa la fata si a luat infatisari diferite si a urmarit alte scopuri, datorita elementului evreiesc care a patruns in ea si a aservit-o intereselor evreiesti". 
"Intr-adevar, evreii, care au pus stapanire in toate tarile, pe finante, industrie, comert, presa etc., nu puteau lasa sa le scape din mana un instrument de dominatie asa de minunat [...]. Astfel, in 1756, evreul Stefan Morin puse in ordine 25 de grade ale masoneriei templierilor, ridicandu-se pe parcurs la 33 de grade. Un alt evreu, Iosef Balsamo (1795) a infiintat francmasoneria coptica, cu 90 de grade, si a primit in loji si femei. Alti evrei, fratii Bedarride din Avignon au infiintat francmasoneria numita Misraim, cu 90 grade. [...] In tarile catolice si mai cu seama in Franta, au luptat impotriba Bisericii si a monarhiei. Enciclopedistii si mai toti fauritorii si capii marei revolutii au fost francmasoni. In revolutiile franceze [...] si dezastrul Frantei in al doilea razboi se datoreaza in intregime comunismului, care este opera masoneriei". [...] 
Francmasoneria este cu totul altceva decat ceea ce spune instructiunea masonica [...]. "Cum masoneria este organizata de evrei, razboiul dus de ea este indreptat cu indarjire speciala impotriva Crestinismului". 
"Evangheliile trebuie arse - scrie un rabin - fiindca paganismul e mai putin periculos pentru credinta evreiasca decat Crestinismul". 

Despre francmasonerie 
(Sfantul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, aproba in 1937 studiul Mitropolitului Nicolae Balan despre francmasonerie) 
Pretinsele principii ale intrajutorarii, prezentate a fi profesate de masoni, exista in crestinism. Crestinul care doreste sa practice aceste principii poate sa o faca in cadrul Bisericii, nu este nevoie sa se incadreze in organizatii secrete de provenienta evreiasca. 
Biserica Ortodoxa Romana, ca si celelalte biserici crestine, a condamnat masoneria. 
In 1937, Sfantul Sinod al BOR a aprobat studiul Mitropolitului Nicolae Balan al Ardealului, care arata: "Francmasoneria  este o organizatie mondiala secreta in care evreii au un rol insemnat, luptand impotriva conceptiei religios-morale a crestinismului. Francmasoneria este dusmana a lui Dumnezeu si a natiunii". Asupra acestei hotariri Biserica nu a revenit. Despre Mitropolitul Nicolae Balan evreii recunosc in scris ca in perioada lui Antonescu a intervenit pentu salvarea lor. 
In Romania, dupa 23 August 1944, reprezentanti de frunte ai masoneriei au facut parte din nomenclatura comunista: Sadoveanu, Mihail Ralea, N. D. Cocea, Victor Eftimiu si altii.


* * * 


Aceste citate, care apartin celor mai importanti oameni de cultura ai Romaniei, le prezint anume, demonstrand ca a existat o problema evreiasca inainte de aparitia Miscarii Legionare. 
In randurile care urmeaza, prin aprecierile si exemplele aduse, va iesi in evidenta, comparativ, adevarata atitudine legionara in problema evreiasca. 


* * * 


Rabinul David Safran 

A publicat la Ierusalim, in 1979, o carte cu titlul Marx a fost antisemit descriind intr-un capitol intalnirea de la Casa Verde cu Corneliu Codreanu: 
"... Vorbeam de peste doua ceasuri. Nu era o discutie de cabinet, ci s-au amestecat aici durerile lumii.[...] Adevarurile lui si ale mele ardeau, chinuiau gand si suflet cersindu-si raspunsuri, argumente, pentru a ne desparti ca prieteni. 
Il vad cum se ridica, imi intinde mana si-mi spune: Am avut o mare placere de intalnirea noastra. Nu stiu daca am rezolvat problemele, dar am invatat farame din taina infinita a credintei. Eu nu am venit sa provoc ura sau razbunare. Mi-e sufletul curat. Nu stiu daca toti legionarii gandesc ca mine. Daca un evreu a fost lovit ori jignit pe plan moral, iarta-i pe raufacatori. Ei nu sunt decat oameni, poate chiar buni crestini. Nu pe omul superior incercam noi sa-l slefuim, ci pe omul-om. 
Am plecat. Am cantarit mult ultimul sau raspuns. Am vazut in trairea lui un inceput de logica. 
Apoi a venit tavalugul: 
Codreanu a fost ucis din ordinul lui Carol al II-lea, in 1938. 
Nu stiu daca am procedat bine, redand aceasta convorbire cu Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. Am vrut sa se vada ideile unui conducator politic care a platit cu viata pentru convingerile sale, tragand dupa el mase nevinovate, insetate si ele dupa o bucatica de dreptate". 

Horia Sima, Comandantul Miscarii Legionare 

Un fragment din cartea Doctrina Legionara Ed. Misc. Leg., Madrid 1980. 
"Pentru cercetarea Doctrinei legionare este necesar a preciza ca nu toate declaratiile sau afirmatiile fac parte din patrimoniul doctrinei legionare. 
Exista o serie de idei mai putin caracteristice, legate de trecutul neamului nostru si fata de care Miscarea Legionara a trebuit sa ia atitudine. Anticomunism, antiiudaism, antipoliticianism, nu sunt decat accidente. Disparand cauzele care le-au provocat, vor disparea si atitudinile mai sus amintite, ca efecte ale lor. Pentru a intelege aceasta serie de "anti" trebuie sa raportam la situatiile politico-nationale specifice care i-au dat nastere. 
Doctrina legionara, in fundamentele ei ultime, este o noua conceptie asupra lumii si vietii. Corneliu Codreanu nu s-a imobilizat intr-o atitudine pur negativa, nu s-a multumit sa combata numai relele care macinau vigoarea neamului nostru, ci a oferit acelora care l-au urmat o noua perspectiva a existentei. Numai aceasta parte pozitiva, creatoare si neschimbatoare, face parte din doctrina legionara. Restul, fara a-i tagadui necesitatea sau importanta, trebuie asezat in cadrul trecator al programelor politice". 

Nicolae Steinhardt 

(Jurnalul fericirii) 
pag. 132: "N-a fost camera in care tinerii si mai ales legionarii sa nu-mi vie in ajutor". 
pag. 183: "Legionarii acestia care-si dau bucatica de paine bolnavilor, tinerii acestia care au trait ca fiarele ani de-a randul in munti, copiii acestia au injghebat o Liga Revolutionara Romana..." 

Ioan Ioanid 

Din cartea Inchisoarea noastra cea de toate zilele, vol. I, Ed. Albatros, 1991, p. 52. 
Ca si N. Steinhardt, nu a fost legionar. I-a cunoscut doar in temnita. Si-a asumat raspunderea de a judeca singur si a scris despre legionari urmatoarele: "Din toate gruparile sau categoriile de detinuti politici pe care le-am cunoscut de-a lungul anilor de puscarie, la ei am intalnit procentul cel mai mare de tinuta demna, comportare onorabila si caracter integru. Am convietuit cu ei in mai toate inchisorile, respectandu-ne reciproc si bucurandu-ma de increderea lor, ceea ce am considerat, nu fara mandrie, ca o apreciere a incercarilor mele de a avea o atitudine de care sa nu-mi fie vreodata rusine. Mi-au fost totdeauna de ajutor, mai ales moral, si taria de caracter a unora dintre ei mi-a fost exemplu, chiar daca eu nu am putut-o atinge". 

Prof. Raul Sorban, 

cetatean roman si detinator al titlului de cetatean de onoare al Statului Israel, a declarat la televiziunea romana ca protopopul ortodox legionar Muresan din Cluj, in timpul ocupatiei maghiare, a salvat doi copii evrei de la holocaust. Tot Dl. prof. Sorban, in publicatia Totusi iubirea din Ianuarie 1996, vorbind despre salvarea evreilor din Transilvania, din timpul ocupatiei maghiare, afirma: (extragem fragmentul care se refera la legionari) "Letitia Papu a fost legionara. Letitia Papu a condus grupuri-grupuri de evrei de la Turda la Bucuresti. (...) Da, ea a fost legionara. Cautam oameni care sa nu fie suspectati... I-am spus: "Letitia, putem salva oameni. Vrei sa ma ajuti?" Fara ezitarea spus: "Da". Zic: "Dar sunt dupa expresia voastra (legionara n.n.) "jidani". Si a spus: "Nu are a face". Da asa i-am spus, sa fie clar, si a zis: "n-are a face". 
A condus nu stiu cate grupuri de la Turda la Bucuresti. La intrebarea daca aceasta  a avut un sens mercantil, daca s-a platit, Dl. Raul Sorban a raspuns ca "Letitia Papu nu a facut aceasta pe bani". 

Radu Gyr 

Sub regimul celor patru luni de guvernare legionara, in 1940, la initiativa poetului Radu Gyr, care era Comandant legionar, si pe atunci detinea functia de Director General al Teatrelor din tara, s-a infiintat teatrul evreiesc Baraseum in Bucuresti, lucru pe care nici o alta tara din Europa nu l-a facut in timpul expansiunii germane. Si numarul acestor exemple ar putea continua. 
Despre acest fapt au depus ca martori, la procesul lui Radu Gyr, in favoarea lui Gyr, mai multi actori evrei. Acum un domn pe nume Tesu Solomovici, in revista Almanah istoric Ed. Tess-Express 1996, deplaseaza data si initiativa infiintarii teatrului in favoarea lui Antonescu, desi acelasi Solomovici, in acelasi articol spune ca acesta, prin Decizia semnata de Antonescu, in 8 Sepmtebrie 1940, i-a epurat pe toti artistii evrei din teatrele romanesti. 
Cui ii folosesc aceste falsificari? 


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Desigur, Miscarea Legionara s-a opus amestecului si influentelor evreiesti in politica Statului Roman, influente care uneori prin Palat au mers pana la suprimarea legionarilor.  Sef rabinul Rosen Moses, autorul cartii Primejdii, incercari, miracole, Ed. Hasefer, Bucuresti, 1991, la pag. 44, ne scrie: "Carol II... a continuat legatura sa cu madam Lupescu (Magda Wolf, n. n.) si aceasta detinea adevarata putere in spatele tronului, influentand intreaga politica a regelui". Nu poate fi negata nici opozitia legionara fata de acapararea de catre evrei a comertului si a finantelor romanesti. Aceasta opozitie legionara nu a fost nici rasiala si nici religioasa, intotdeauna incadrandu-se in limitele unei concurente economice legale si egale. 


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Precizez ca unele din argumentele care urmeaza sunt identice cu cele pe care le-am folosit cu alte ocazii in Gazeta de Vest, drept replica in respingerea acelorasi acuzatii care continua sa se repete impotriva legionarilor. 
Despre violenta: 
S-a afirmat permanent ca Miscarea Legionara a fost violenta. In lumina celor mai elementare statistici, fata de numarul violentelor aplicate impotriva legionarilor din partea celor care detineau puterea politica in Stat, raspunsul legionarilor a fost sub 1 la suta. A trebuit sa vina la Televiziunea Romana un istoric american ca sa-i convinga pe istoricii romani de acest lucru. In privinta violentelor, legionarii se gasesc de departe pe ultimul loc fata de toate celelalte partide. Trebuie mentionata diferenta ca legionarii s-au prezentat autoritatilor recunoscandu-si faptele si platind cu viata lor, in timp ce detinatorii puterii chemati sa respecte legea i-au executat pe legionari fara sentinte judecatoresti. Este cutremurator numai sa repeti verbal crimele care s-au facut impotriva legionarilor. Au fost strangulati, au fost aruncati de vii in crematorii, impuscati cu sutele si expusi in pietele publice. Majoritatea erau intelectuali, studenti, printre ei aproximativ zece preoti, luati din sanul familiilor lor, ca si ceilalti, fara sentinte judecatoresti si impuscati. Iar sub comunisti, zeci de mii de legionari au fost inchisi si ucisi. 
Exemplificam in cateva randuri numai prigoana anului 1933, pe care falsificatorii istoriei o ocolesc ca bilant. Au fost arestati 18,000 de legionari, 300 au fost grav raniti si internati in spitale, 16 legionari ucisi si trei legionari condamnati. Disolvarea Miscarii Legionare s'a facut printr'un jurnal al Consiliului de Ministri, neconstitutional, act pe care Parlamentul tarii nu l-a aprobat. Arestarile si detinerea legionarilor a avut caracter de sechestru, in afara de cei trei atentatori care l-au impuscat pe Duca, care s'au predat de buna voie autoritatilor, toti ceilalti arestati au fost eliberati fara condamnari. Iata ce spune Ion Mota: "Declaram in fata lui Dumnezeu si a istoriei ca violentele noastre au fost totdeauna de aparare si legitim raspuns. Initiativa ilegalitatilor si a violentelor revine in intregime inamicilor nostri". 
Despre teribila acuzatie: "Abatorul", s-a dovedit ca nu a existat. In presa zilelor noastre a aparut tabelul cu semnaturile angajatilor din timpul respectiv de la Abator, act care a respins aceasta inventie. Insesi cartile oficiale evreiesti, prefatate de fostul rabin sef Rosen Moses, nu reclama existenta vreunui Abator. 
La fel victimele evreiesti din timpul zisei Rebeliuni sunt atribuite pe nedrept legionarilor. Cu acea ocazie, legionarii au fost ucisi in numar de zeci de ori mai mare decat evreii. Despre numarul legionarilor ucisi nu se spune un cuvant. Nu s-a gasit in inchisoare un singur legionar care sa fi fost condamnat ca ar fi ucis vreun evreu sau ostas roman, cu toate straduintele oficiale care ar fi dorit reala aceasta acuzare. 
Despre cazul Iorga-Madgearu, atat Conducerea Miscarii Legionare, cat si ceilalti legionari, au condamnat acest fapt. Versiunea ca acest act ar apartine KGB-ului anume facut pentru denigrarea Garzii de Fier, ramane sa o dovedeasca in viitor documentele serviciilor secrete straine. 
In toate situatiile, indiferent cui au apartinut violentele, legionarii au avut sentimentul parerii de rau ca acestea au existat. 

Despre totalitarism: 

In nici una din cartile legionare nu se gasesc afirmatii care ar respinge pluripartidismul si alegerile electorale democratice. Critica legionara adusa democratiei s-a adresat partilor ei negative: coruptia, nedreptatea, demagogia si tot ce a apartinut de ele. Corneliu Codreanu, atunci cand se instaureaza dictatura regelui Carol al II-lea, a respins categoric aceasta forma de guvernare. Chiar daca democratia nu se raporteaza unui tel final, al neamului sau al societatii, cum ar fi telul crestin al legionarilor: "Mantuirea neamului in numele lui Isus Hristos", ea va ramane valabila ca metoda si sistem social care sa asigure relatiile politice si  sociale intre oameni. Pentru legionari, in ordinea importantei raman cele trei: Dumnezeu, Neam si democratie. 
De asemenea, Ion Mota, in revista "Axa" in 1933, privind conceptia legionara despre Drept si Stat, scrie: "Noi niciodata n-am conceput Romania legionara de maine ca un stat totalitar (...) Niciodata n-am dorit inlocuirea democratiei constitutionale cu o dictatura a bunului plac..." Miscarea Legionara nu a fost totalitara ci autoritara, ceea ce e cu totul altceva. Nici o instanta judecatoreasca, internationala sau nationala, nu a emis vreo sentinta acuzatoare impotriva Miscarii Legionare, cum ca aceasta ar fi fost o organizatie fascista sau national-socialista. 

Despre acuzatia de subordonare national-socialismului german: 

Pentru corectarea acestei acuzatii, redam cateva consemnari istorice mai putin cunoscute pe care le-am extras din cartea Romania dupa Marea Unire editata in 1988, de istoricii Mircea Musat si Ion Ardeleanu. La pag. 380 se scrie: "In campania electorala din 1937, Partidul German din Romania a intrat in cartel electoral cu Partidul National Liberal al guvernului Tatarescu" (si nu cu Miscarea Legionara). La pag. 332, din aceeasi carte se scrie: "Mota, atunci cand Hitler a incercat sa-i organizeze pe sasii din Transilvania, a spus ca germanii trebuie sa ramana loiali Romaniei. Romania va accepta numai nationalitati loiale, dusmanii nu vor fi tolerati, admitand ca pot fi posibile animozitati din aceasta cauza". 
Din Arhiva Ministerului de Externe, telegrama nr. 1508, 3 Sept. 1940, expediata lui Fabricius, titularul Ambasadei Germane din Romania, de catre Ministerul de Externe German se desprinde dorinta acestuia de a-l pastra pe Carol al II-lea, impotriva actiunii legionare de rasturnare a regimului de dictatura regala. 
Afirmatiile conform carora Miscarea Legionara ar fi ascultat de ordinele Germaniei sunt false. Numai lupta impotriva comunismului a coincis, dar si aceasta deosebindu-se prin faptul ca Miscarea Legionara vedea in comunism si marele pericol anticrestin. 
Se mai cunoaste ca inlaturarea legionarilor de la guvernarea din Ianuarie 1941, precum si detinerea legionarilor in lagarele din Germania: Dachau, Buchenwald, Oranienburg a hotarit-o Hitler. 
In acel timp, Reichul german, prin politica sa imperialista, a tradat entuziasmul fortelor nationale europene apte sa lupte impotriva comunismului.




23 August 1944

Pentru o incadrare corecta a faptelor noastre in istorie, este necesara fixarea atitudinii noastre fata de actul de la 23 August 1944. 
Incepand cu 23 August 1944, nu a mai existat Stat National Roman. Tara devenise o vasta inchisoare, ocupata si condusa de comunismul sovietic. Adevaratii reprezentanti ai tarii raman cei care au continuat lupta in munti, in inchisori, in strainatate, sau cei care s-au opus in sufletul lor ocupatiei comuniste. 
Actul de inscriere in PCR nu a stabilit intotdeauna si atitudinea sufleteasca a oamenilor. Cei vinovati vor ramane cei care au colaborat prin fapte criminale de asuprire si ucidere a celor care s-au opus bolsevizarii. Amploarea rezistentei romanesti a fost fara egal. Tarile vecine nu se bucura de pagini de istorie asemanatoare. Este unul dintre cele mai inaltatoare momente ale istoriei noastre: lupta, caracterul moral de impotrivire la satanizare, demnitatea nationala. Au cazut oameni in munti, au fost executati cu si fara sentinte judecatoresti, au fost schingiuiti, au fost inchisi sute de mii de oameni. Impotrivirea aceasta fara sansa cuprinde in ea refuzul sufletesc de a capitula. Neamul romanesc a continuat si continua sa existe ca neam, nu ca populatie, datorita acelor fii ai sai care nu au capitulat, platind impotrivirea cu propria lor viata. In aceasta lupta au fost prezenti zeci de mii de legionari. 

Alte acuzatii aduse legionarilor 

In Iunie 1990 s-a pretins ca cei care au pus pe fuga Fortele de Ordine ale Ministerului de Interne au fost legionari; iar mai nou se fac eforturi in sens contrar, de eliminare a legionarilor din istoria de lupta anticomunista. 
Un alt eveniment important este parasutarea legionarilor de catre americani in anii 1951-1953. Reamintindu-ne de starea de spirit romaneasca a anilor respectivi, blestemul pe care anglo-americanii l-ar fi meritat pentru Yalta a fost inlocuit de marea speranta a eliberarii, asteptata sa vina din partea acelorasi anglo-americani. Vrand-nevrand, increderea acordata atunci legionarilor de catre americani este legata si face si ea parte din sperantele ori visele dainuirii noastre istorice. 
Cu aceasta ocazie reamintim ca legionarii au luptat permanent impotriva comunismului, considerandu-l ca fiind cel mai mare dusman al crestinismului si al omenirii. Au luptat si s-au asociat in toate ocaziile cu cei care (chiar daca numai uneori) au fost impotriva comunismului. 
Am mai consemna ca legionarii parasutati nu au venit pentru a face spionaj in favoarea americanilor, ci pentru a organiza lupta de rasturnare a regimului comunist, legata de conflictul care se astepta, provocat fiind de agresivitatea Rusiei comuniste fata de Alianta Apuseana. 
In apararea Miscarii Legionare, este prezenta garantia si marturia unor nume care au fost legionare si care nu s-au lepadat de credinta lor legionara: Nae Ionescu, Mircea Eliade, Constantin Noica, Aron Cotrus, Radu Gyr, Petre Tutea si foarte multi altii.Cei amintiti au mers pe linia celorlalti mari inaintasi: Eminescu, (acuzat ca protolegionar),Hasdeu, Parvan, Iorga, Goga, s.a. 
Cetateni cosmopoliti, care se straduiesc sa renunte la apartenenta lor nationala, si-au permis sa judece si sa ceara eliminarea din cultura romaneasca a celor amintiti, declarandu-i legionari. A renunta la acesti corifei ai nationalismului romanesc inseamna a ne asuma riscul disparitiei noastre ca neam. 
Miscarea Legionara nu figureaza pe lista organizatiilor din Europa incriminate de Tribunalul de la Nurnberg. Aceasta afirmatie o aflam scrisa in Revista mea tiparita in statul Israel (nr. 1394, din 18 Ian. 1990). Luandu-ne dupa propaganda comunista ramanem cu impresia ca intreaga nenorocire a Romaniei ar apartine Miscarii Legionare, parca legionarii ar fi guvernat tara 50 de ani si nu comunistii. 
Or, se stie ca legionarii au participat la guvernare doar patru luni, in 1940, timp in care erau peste un milion de romani refugiati din teritoriile cedate de Carol al II-ea: Ardealul, Basarabia, Bucovina si Cadrilaterul Dobrogei, timp in care s-a adaugat si nenorocirea unui cutremur de pamant. In patru luni, in situatii normale, nu se poate lua in primire administratia unui stat. Actuala guvernare se scuza dupa sapte ani.




Orice incercare de a-i elimina pe legionari din istorie nu este posibila. 

Admitand ca intreaga credinta, lupta si jertfa legionara s-ar reduce doar la trei momente pe care le enumeram pe scurt si ele ar fi suficiente pentru asezarea obligatorie a Miscarii Legionare in istorie. Acestea sunt: 
1. Corneliu Codreanu ii scrie lui Carol II, in 1936, urmatoarele: 
"Este cutremurator sa ne gandim ca noi, tineretul de astazi, sa fim condamnati a asista la impartirea si ciuntirea Romaniei Mari, ca faptele oamenilor politici sa fie aruncate pe umerii generatiilor tinere. [...] Apropierea de Rusia Sovietica este un gest de tradare pe care poporul roman l-ar face fata de Dumnezeu si fata de ordinea morala a lumii. De vor intra trupele rusesti la noi si vor iesi invingatoare in numele Diavolului, ele nu vor pleca inainte de a ne sataniza, adica bolseviza". 

2. Al doilea moment extraordinar este: 
Jertfa lui Ion Mota si Vasile Marin. Mota scrie in Testament: 
"Niciodata de cand a coborit Mantuitorul printre noi nu s-a ridicat o parte a omenirii, cu atata ura si pornire, pentru a darama asezarea si randuiala crestina a lumii, iar alta pentru a le apara. [...] Daca noi nu ne vom trezi si nu vom porni impotriva ostilor diavolesti, prabusirea va veni si cine stie cat va trebui sa treaca peste vietile urmasilor nostri pana cand sa ne invrednicim a ne bucura din nou de stapanirea Bisericii. [...] Sa nu lasam urmasilor nostri o tara fara ocrotirea lui Dumnezeu. [...] Se tragea cu mitraliera in obrazul lui Hristos. Se clatina asezarea crestina a lumii. Puteam noi sa stam nepasatori? Eu asa am inteles rostul vietii mele. Am iubit pe Hristos si am mers fericit la moarte pentru El". 
In acel timp, 1936, reprezentantii oficiali ai Romaniei, regele Carol al II-lea si Titulescu, au platit in Franta si au trimis in Spania comunista ajutor comunistilor 100 de tunuri si 15 avioane, saracind armata romana de acest armament. 
3. Si al treilea punct, pe aceeasi linie anticomunista, este atunci cand Horia Sima, Comandantul Miscarii Legionare, continua lupta impotriva comunismului intr-un moment cand democratiile lumii colaborau cu comunistii. 
Prin Horia Sima, legionarii au ramas credinciosi lui Corneliu Codreanu, infruntand satanizarea bolsevica.


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O intrebare trista va ramane mustratoare in fata istoricilor si tuturor acelora care scot in evidenta cele mai mici sau neinsemnate gesturi anticomuniste, dar ii omit pe cei care sfintesc istoria romaneasca prin jertfa lor suprema. 


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Si pe linie educativa legionarii au fost acuzati. 
De aceea vom reda cateva texte legate de educatie, avand convingerea ca nici cei mai inversunati dusmani nu le pot nega valabilitatea morala. Sunt texte extrase din scrierile lui Corneliu Codreanu: 
"Miscarea Legionara, inainte de a fi o miscare politica, teoretica, economica etc. este o scoala spirituala in care daca va intra un om, la celalalt capat va iesi un erou, erou care sa concentreze in sufletul lui tot ce are mai bun si mai nobil poporul roman. Sa lupte numai pe caile indicate de onoare. Decat sa invinga printr-o infamie, mai bine sa cada pe drumul onoarei. Erou in sens social, incapabil ca, dupa victorie, sa exploateze si sa asupreasca pe altii, erou care sa construiasca prin munca cinstita si creatoare o tara frumoasa. Sa nu fie speculativ sau lichea. Daca pentru un politician politica inseamna afacere, pentru un legionar politica este o religie. Legionarul trebuie sa fie corect, drept si curat la suflet". 
Intr-o circulara, Capitanul adresandu-se politicienilor, le spune: 
"Voi, care ne acuzati de violenta, dupa ce ati intrebuintat contra noastra cele mai mari violente, impingandu-ne la disperare si pacat, ... va vom dovedi ca nu vom reactiona in nici un fel la toate provocarile voastre, ... sa ne bateti la talpi, sa ne spanzurati cu picioarele in sus si sa ni le bateti in cuie... nu veti intampina din partea noastra nici violenta si nici opunere". 

Cu alta ocazie, Capitanul recomanda studentilor legionari urmatoarele: 
"... o cat mai desavarsita bunacuviinta fata de toata lumea incepand cu profesorii vostri si terminand cu lumea de pe strada. Un luptator de elita nu este niciodata obraznic, provocator, necuviincios, neelegant in gesturi si vorbe". 
Despre Biserica, ne spune Capitanul: 
"Linia Bisericii este mult deasupra noastra. Ea atinge perfectiunea si sublimul. Nu putem cobori aceasta linie pentru a explica faptele noastre. Noi tindem, ne straduim, catre aceasta linie". 
"Caracteristica timpului nostru este ca ne crestinam in forma si ne descrestinam in continut. Ne plac victoriile asupra oamenilor si nu victoriile impotriva Diavolului si pacatului. Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler etc., sunt preocupati mai mult de aceste biruinte. Miscarea Legionara face exceptie ocupandu-se, dar insuficient, de biruinta crestina in om, in vederea mantuirii lui. Insuficient. 
Ultimul tel al neamului este invierea in numele lui Hristos", ne spune Corneliu Codreanu. 
Aceste precepte in educatia legionarilor nu au putut constitui un pericol pentru tara. Ele au facut parte din tineretea legionara, devenind acte de desavarsire sufleteasca si de control personal in implinirea lor. Pentru aceste ganduri curate, legionarii au fost ucisi. 
In judecata prezenta a timpului, din punct de vedere spiritual, Miscarea Legionara este de dreapta, raportandu-si principiile si faptele la morala crestina. Acest criteriu elimina pretentia de a ne aseza la centru. In centru este Dumnezeu si noi ne putem aseza prin faptele noastre ori la dreapta ori la stanga Lui. Continuandu-ne afirmatiile pe aceasta linie, extrema dreapta, ca inteles si limbaj, trebuie sa cuprinda maximum de dragoste si de bunatate. Aceasta dreapta nu are nimic comun cu sovinismul. 
Legionarii sunt impotriva dictaturilor caci pot duce la tiranie, dar si impotriva unui liberalism fara limite care ar duce la libertinaj si anarhie. Cheia unui echilibru, legionarii o gasesc asigurata numai in dragostea crestina. 
Spuneam cu alta ocazie in Gazeta de Vest ca, "denigrarile aduse Miscarii Legionare se vor intoarce ca un bumerang impotriva celor care le-au lansat. Autorii defaimatori nu au tinut seama ca aceste falsuri pot conduce tineretul pe un drum al violentei, strain si contrar punctului de vedere legionar. 
Cei care dirijeaza atacurile impotriva Miscarii legionare ar avea obligatia sa-si regandeasca atitudinea fata de Miscarea Legionara. Au trecut de la Revolutia din 1989 sapte ani si legionarii nu pot fi acuzati de acte de razbunare fata de cei care i-au schingiuit si ucis.


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Resping acuzatiile sef rabinului Rosen Moses aduse poporului roman privind numarul evreilor ucisi pe teritoriul Romaniei. 
Rabinul Rosen Moses pretinde ca pana la 1 Iulie 1991, de frica nu a putut fi pronuntata cifra de 400.000 de evrei, victime ale holocaustului pe teritoriul Romaniei. Pe cine sa credem? Sabin Manuila, directorul Institutului de Statistica al Romaniei, impreuna cu W. Filderman, presedintele Comunitatii Evreilor din Romania, care au editat impreuna in 1957 la Roma o brosura in limba engleza cu titlul Regional development of the Jewish population of Romania, prezentandu-ne un alt holocaust in Romania, concluzionand ca la noi a fost numarul cel mai scazut de victime evreiesti, comparativ cu celelalte tari ocupate de germani. De exemplu, in cartea Martiriul evreilor din Romania 1940-1944 (Documente si marturii) cu un Cuvant inainte de Rosen Moses, Editura HASEFER 1991, Capitolul Rebeliunea 21-23 Ianuarie 1941, pag. 68-71, se afirma ca au fost asasinate 120 de persoane. De atunci, unii s-au intrecut in marirea numarului de evrei ucisi. Pana si un pretins simpatizant legionar, pe nume Milcoveanu, scrie in revista Invierea ca au fost 178 de evrei ucisi, cu o treime mai mult decat au pretins evreii. 
Pentru a arata cat de neadevarate sunt acuzatiile rabinului Rosen Moses, ca i-ar fi fost frica sa denunte cifra pretinsilor morti ai holocaustului din Romania, dam mai jos o lista de evrei care au format conducerea Romaniei in primii ani de domnie a comunismului (datele sunt extrase din The Plot Against the Church, de Maurice Pinay, pag. 73-77): 
Evrei in guvernul Romaniei 
1. Ana Pauker, alias Anna Rabinsohn, ministru de externe si agenta Nr. 1 a Moscovei la Bucuresti. 
2. Ilka Wassermann, reala directoare a Min. de Externe. 
3. Josef Kishinevski, alias Jakob Broitman, vice presedinte al Consiliului de Ministri si membru al CC. 
4. Teohari Georgescu, alias Burah Tescovich, Ministru de Interne. 
5. Lothar Radaceanu, alias Lothar Wuertzel, ministru. 
6. Miron Constantinescu, alias Mehr Kohn, originar din Galati, Ministru al Minelor si membru in CC. 
7. Moises Haupt, General, Comandant militar al Capitalei. 
8. Laurian Zamfir, alias Laurian Rechler, general, sef al Securitatii, originar din Braila. 
9. Heinz Gutman, sef al Serviciului Secret Civil. 
10. William Suder alias Wilman Suder, Sef al Contra Spionajului. 
11. Roman Walter, alias Walter Neuländer, tatal lui Petre Roman, organizatorul securitatii si sef al Serviciului de Educatie, Cultura si Propaganda al Armatei. 
12. Alexandru Moghioros, Ministru al Nationalitatilor, evreu din Ungaria. 
13. Alexandru Badan, alias Alexander Braunstein, sef al Comisiei de Control al Strainilor. 
14. Maior Lewin, evreu, fost ofiter in Armata Rosie, sef al cenzurei pentru presa. 
15. Colonel Holban, alias Moscovich, sef al Securitatii pe Bucuresti. 
16. George Silviu, alias Gersch Gollinger, Secretar General in Ministerul de Interne. 
17. Erwin Voiculescu, alias Erwin Weinberg, sef al departamentului pentru pasapoarte in Ministerul de Externe. 
18. Stupineanu, alias Stappnau, sef al Spionajului Economic. 
19. Emmerick Stoffel, evreu din Ungaria, ambasador al Romaniei in Elvetia. 
20. Harry Fainaru, alias Hersch Feiner, sef de legatie in Ambasada din Statele Unite. 
21. Ida Szilagy, evreica, prietena a lui Ana Pauker, reala conducatoare a Ambasadei din Londra. 
22. N. Lazarescu, alias Burach Lazarovich, insarcinat de Afaceri al Romaniei la Paris. 
23. Simon Oieru, alias Schaeffer, Subsecretar de Stat. 
24. Liuba Kishinevski, alias Liuba Broitman, presedinta a Femeilor Romane Antifasciste. 
25. Lew Zeiger, evreu director general in Ministerul Economiei. 
26. Doctor Zeider, jurisconsult al Ministerului de Externe. 
27. Silviu Brucan, alias Brukner, redactor sef al Scanteii, el conducea intreaga campanie care viza comunizarea. In acelasi timp el conducea si inscena campania antisemita din Romania. 
28. Samoila, alias Samuel Rubenstein, director guvernator al Scanteii. 
29. Horia Liman, alias Lehman, redactor secund al Scanteii. 
30. Inginerul Schnapp, evreu, director guvernator al ziarului Romania Libera. 
31. Jehan Mihai, alias Jacob Michael, sef al industriei cinematografice romane. 
32. Alexandru Graur, alias Alter Brauer, director general al Societatii Radiofonice Romane. 
33. Mihai Roller, evreu, necunoscut inainte de venirea sa in Romania din Uniunea Sovietica, Presedinte al Academiei Romane, autorul istoriei falsificate a Romanilor. 
34. Profesorul Weigel, tiranul universitatii din Bucuresti, care conducea operatia de epurare a studentilor anti-comunisti. 
35. Profesorul Lewin Bercovich, un alt tiran al Universitatii din Bucuresti, care controla corpul profesoral, venit din Rusia. 
36. Silviu Josifescu, alias Samson Josifovich, cel care l-a cenzurat pe Eminescu, Alecsandri, Vlahuta de continutul care nu se armoniza cu comunismul. 
37. Joan Vinter, alias Jakob Winter, al doilea critic literar marxist al Romaniei. 
38. Trei predecesori secretari generali ai Ligii Generale a Muncii, au fost evrei, Alexander Sencovich, Misha Levin si Sam Asriel (Serban). 
39. Alexandra Sidorovici, evreica, sotia lui Silviu Brucan, acuzatoare la "Tribunalul poporului" in 1945. 
40. Leonte Rautu (nu-i cunosc numele de origine). 
41. Petru Borila, cuscrul lui N. Ceausescu. Ambii au facut parte din Biroul Politic al C. C. -ului, responsabili pe tara cu invatamantul politic comunist. 
Oare in acel timp rabinului R. Moses i-a fost frica sa denunte victimele holocaustului? 
Nu toti evreii din Romania au fost comunisti, dar cei mai multi conducatori ai comunismului din Romania, in perioada cea mai salbatica a nenorocirii noastre, 1945-1965, erau evrei. In acel timp, cele doua ministere ale ordinii, cel de Interne si cel al Securitatii, erau conduse de evrei: Teohari Georgescu, Nicolski, Pantiusa, Dulberger, Koller, Zeller, coborind si la nivelul regionalelor de securitate - cum ar fi cea din Banat, pe care o cunosc personal: Koloman Ambrus, Mois, Kling Zoltan, Steiner, Schnelbak, Rafila, s. a. In tara erau arestati sute de mii de oameni, a fost teribila colectivizare, a fost regimul ucigas al inchisorilor. 
Amintindu-ne de ororile reeducarilor din inchisorile politice, ne cutremuram de ura diavoleasca a ofiterilor anchetatori din fosta Securitate care le spuneau detinutilor legionari: "O sa va compromitem in ochii vostri si ai lumii. De beton armat sa fiti, nu veti rezista. Se vor intocmi despre legionari dosare cu documente pentru istorie, prin care dupa moartea celor anchetati si a celor ce au fost anchetatori, Miscarea Legionara va fi cunoscuta generatiilor viitoare asa cum o pecetluieste securitatea acum". Si chiar constatam ca din Arhiva Securitatii numai dosarele legionarilor sunt date publicitatii. Am ajuns sa cunoastem ca unii din legionari s-au opus reeducarii cu pretul vietii. Alta parte au fost ucisi prin condamnari la moarte, ca sa nu-si mai poata anula declaratiile luate fortat. Iar altii, sub povara muntilor de suferinta si in fata torturilor turbate, au cedat subscriind unor declaratii prin care s-au autodenigrat. Niciodata insa, nici chiar cei care au cedat sub torturi, nu au renuntat in sufletul lor la convingerea ca lupta lor legionara a fost inchinata credintei in Dumnezeu si iubirii de Neam si Tara. 
Ne amintim si de primele inceputuri de comunizare in Romania, din1920. 
Reprezentantii erau evrei: Ghelerter, Gheler, Spemgler, Schreiber, Pauker, Moscovici, etc. Sau primul atentat din Romania, 8 Dec. 1921, cand evreul Max Goldstein, membru in conducerea partidului comunist, a aruncat in Parlament o bomba,  omorind doi ministri si ranind grav alti doi. 
In 10 Noiembrie 1975, Natiunile Unite au condamnat politica de stat dusa de Israel in Palestina, asimiland sionismul cu rasismul. 
N-am auzit din partea evreilor pareri de rau pentru trecutul comunist. 
De desolidarizare fata de ideologia comunista pe care unii din ei au slujit-o, sau fata de trecutul partidului comunist ai carui inaintasi, la un moment dat, au cerut desfiintarea Romaniei ca stat, si nici de sutele de mii de crime pe care acest partid  le-a comis in cei 45 de ani de dictatura. 
Evreii chiar nu au nici o vina, nimic ce sa-si reproseze? 
In Romania se reabiliteaza memoria calailor si nu a victimelor! 
Nu va puteti legitima nici ultimele atacuri impotriva Miscarii Legionare, caci nici unul din cei 14.000 de evrei care locuiesc astazi in Romania nu pot pretinde ca ar fi fost amenintati de vreun legionar. In schimb, legionarii au fost atacati permanent de evrei. De exemplu, intr-un ziar romanesc, un rabin reproseaza Bisericii Ortodoxe de ce face parastase pentru legionarii ucisi de comunisti. Sa ne gandim ce ar insemna o atitudine asemanatoare la adresa holocaustului evreiesc? Pe alt plan Biserica Crestina pentru evrei reprezinta o insulta. In capitolul despre Ecumenism, la pag. 370, din cartea Eseuri biblice, autorul Rosen Moses, scrie: "Cum pot fi crestinii atat de insensibili incat sa cladeasca o manastire pe asemenea locuri ale martirajului iudaic?" (Este vorba de lagarul de la Auschwitz, unde au fost  internati si crestini). Si autorul continua: 
"Pentru evrei manastirea reprezinta o insulta deliberata..." 
Cu alta ocazie, in ziarul Romania Libera, ambasadorul statului Israel, pe langa unele sugestii nedemocratice, isi mai declara si nemultumirea fata de traducerea si tiparirea in Romania a unor carti pretinse antisemite, carti care sunt editate fara restrictii in Israel. Intelectualii romani au respins ca jignitoare aceasta cenzura. Celorlalte recomandari agresive si antilegionare le-am raspuns mai pe larg in GV de pe luna Martie 1995. 
Andrei Cornea, scriitor, abuzeaza de originea etnica pe care o are. In 16 Decembrie 1995, la Salonul de iarna a cartii de la Brasov, a fost lansata si cartea "Insemnari de la Jilava". Atunci cand s-a ajuns cu expunerea la momentul asasinarii prin strangulare a lui Corneliu Codreanu, Andrei Cornea a strigat: "Bine i-a facut". Fizicul firav al lui Andrei Cornea nu ne poate convinge ca ar fi fost vorba de un act de mare curaj antiromanesc. El s-a bazat pe cele scrise de Corneliu Codreanu: "... Voi care ne acuzati de violente impingandu-ne la disperare si pacat... va vom dovedi ca nu vom reactiona in nici-un fel la provocarile voastre..." Acolo se aflau cca. 100 de legionari sau simpatizanti legionari care nu au raspuns acestei provocari. 
Initiativa evreiasca de denigrare a fost reluata si de unii romani, cunoscandu-se ca legionarilor nu li se da dreptul la replica. Sunt edituri si publicatii ce ataca permanent Miscarea Legionara. Chemandu-i in judecata pe acesti denigratori voluntari, le-am aduce poate aminte regulile unei minime morale, de a nu-i ataca pe cei carora li se refuza dreptul la aparare, caci altfel cu ce s-ar deosebi de vremea lui Teohari si Nicolski, cand pe zidurile tribunalelor era scris "vom judeca cu ura"?! 
Dar nedreptatea cea mai mare este a unora dintre parlamentari, care au acceptat, contrar Constitutiei, sa interzica prin nominalizare Miscarea Legionara, aparuta in Legea de functionare a Serviciului Roman de Informatii. Daca separarea puterilor in stat este adevarata, atunci nominalizarea ar apartine de drept Puterii Judecatoresti, Parlamentului apartinandu-i numai elaborarea legilor, a legilor egale si obligatorii tuturor cetatenilor, chiar si celor aflati la putere. In Constitutia tarii noastre si in legislatia democratica moderna a altor tari, toti cetatenii au dreptul sa fie egali, indiferent carui partid au apartinut sau apartin. Semnatarii acestei legi SRI nu au prezentat sentinte judecatoresti de condamnare a Miscarii Legionare. Mai constatam ca fostii comunisti, in sarcina carora sunt in Romania sute de mii de crime, ne tin lectii, prin mass-media, despre valabilitatea principiilor comuniste, desi se cunoaste ca "lupta de clasa", care s-a manifestat prin "ura de clasa", face parte din principiile comunismului, apartinand marilor idiologi fondatori: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin etc. 
Ar trebui sa nu uitam ca, istoria l-a sanctionat pe Nero pentru cunoscutul text: "Non licet esse christiamus" (Nu-i permis sa fii crestin). Acum, s-a spus: "nu-i permis sa fii legionar". Asuprirea nici acum nu este motivata, se aseamana cu cea a lui Nero, si istoria de maine o va sanctiona. 
In toate tarile apusene, miscarile nationaliste crestine participa la viata politica. 
Un alt exemplu: articolele de lauda aduse Miscarii Legionare de Nichifor Crainic, au fost inlocuite de autor cu defaimari, prin prezenta si ajutorul atotconvingator al fostei securitati. S-a asteptat ca autorul sa moara ca sa nu-si mai poata reclama schimbarea facuta prin reeducarea silita la care a fost supus. 
Ne intrebam: care este rostul acestor repetate amenintari evreiesti adresate legionarilor? Caci o stare de frica ce s-ar vrea sa le fie transmisa legionarilor nu ar avea sanse de reusita. Legionarii au la indemana, ca si altadata, propria lor jertfa, invincibila, mai puternica decat brutalitatea acestor amenintari. 
Ne-am mai adus aminte de serialul saptamanal tv al d-lui Sava, in care ni se recomanda o reconciliere politica cu fostii comunisti. Constatam ca aceasta dorinta a domniei sale ii cuprinde pe toti, atat pe cei care au poruncit, cat si pe cei care au executat uciderea celor ce s-au opus comunizarii. Sunt exclusi de d-l Sava de la aceasta reconciliere legionarii, desi acestia au platit cu viata lor legitima aparare in care se aflau. Legionarii nu au datorii vechi de achitat. De ce refuzati, d-le Sava, sa aratati numarul legionarilor ucisi fara sentinte judecatoresti de cei ce detineau puterea in stat? 
Va veni o vreme a intrebarilor, cand in fata lui Dumnezeu sau chiar in fata propriei noastre judecati, vom avea parerea de rau a omisiunilor pe care le facem sau le acceptam. 
Din multele carti si articole scrise de straini si tiparite in strainatate despre Miscarea Legionara, in afara de cateva - alese de editura Humanitas -, toate cuprind studii si aprecieri favorabile Miscarii Legionare. 
Mai intalnim si o revista cu un titlu pretentios, de studiu al totalitarismului. Pana in prezent sunt acuzati numai legionarii. Oare unele regimuri pretinse teoretic democrate, sau Carol II, Antonescu, ori chiar pretentia regimului comunist care 45 de ani ni s-a prezentat sub denumirea de regim de "larga democratie", vor ramane in istorie sub firma democratiei? 
Altor denigratori ai Miscarii Legionare le-am raspuns la timpul respectiv in Gazeta de Vest. S-au facut asemanari intre legionari si comunisti, sau au fost acuzati de colaborare cu regimul comunist. Acestora le-am pus intrebarea: cum isi pot explica salbaticile prigoane deslantuite impotriva legionarilor si amenintarea cu deportarea in Siberia a 150,000 de legionari? 
Sa admitem ca unii din fostii simpatizanti legionari ar fi reusit sa se sustraga arestarilor, strecurandu-se in partidele istorice sau la comunisti, dar acesti anonimi nu s-au numit nici Tatarascu, nici Ralea, Voitec, sau alte nume importante apartinand democratiei. Unii din acesti acuzatori au fost tovarasi de drum in aducerea comunismului sovietic, despartindu-se de acestia abia in lupta electorala din 1946. In timpul ocupatiei sovietice ii gasim prezenti in ziarele timpului, aducand cuvinte de lauda armatelor comuniste eliberatoare, cuvinte de care acum ne rusinam: "Stalin si poporul rus, libertate ne-au adus". Desprinderea lor intarziata de aceasta alianta i-ar obliga sa aiba respect fata de luptele si jertfele legionare. 
Se cunoaste ca pana si copiii legionarilor au fost eliminati din scoli, universitati si servicii. Colonelul Filip Teodorescu, al doilea ca marime in Directia Generala a fostei Securitati, in cartea "Un risc asumat", la pag. 243 scrie: "Se ajunsese la convingerea ca legionarii trebuie avuti in atentie permanent pana la moarte si in continuare descendentii". 
Se incearca si o minimalizare a simpatiei pe care o aveau legionarii in timpul ultimelor alegeri, cand  Miscarea si-a demonstrat forta electorala, avand peste 15% din procentajul general. Eugen Cristescu, seful Serviciului Secret pe tara din acel timp, a declarat ca legionarilor le-au fost sustrase 10% din rezultatul general. Se mai adauga acestei fraude si procentajul tineretului intre 18-21 de ani care a fost exclus de la vot cunoscan-du-se ca este legionar.


* * * 


In continuare, un exemplu ce ne demonstreaza permanenta si neschimbata atitudine evreiasca fata de alte neamuri. 
In ziarul Evenimentul zilei nr. 1232 din 13 Iulie 1996, pag. 3, articolul intitulat Muncitorii romani mor pe capete in Israel, ni se spune ca in Israel lucreaza aproape 60.000 de muncitori romani. Fiecare al zecelea locuitor al Israelului fiind un roman. Aici devin sclavi, confiscandu-li-se pasapoartele de patronatul israelian, lucrand 10-12 ore pe zi, locuind 7-8 intr-o camera invadata de gandaci. Morgile sunt pline de cadavre de romani. Oficialitatile israelite nu intervin pe langa patroni pentru a le asigura minimele conditii de trai, bineinteles fara pretentii de egalitate cu cetatenii israeliti. Si toate acestea sunt modeste cereri, fara a fi adresate sau reclamate la ONU. 
Trecerea poporului evreu prin holocaust sa nu-l fi invatat sa respecte suferinta altora? 


* * * 



In continuare repetam recentele acuzatii ce se aduc statului Israel de catre Amnesty International si de Ari Shavit, reporter israelit care a facut razboiul in transee. 
Un raport Reuters de la sfarsitul lui Iulie 1996 prezinta cele declarate de Amnesty International: "Israelul a bombardat cu artileria in mod deliberat o baza ONU de refugiati din Liban in cursul lunii Aprilie; atacul s-a soldat cu asasinarea a peste 100 de civili". Intr-un raport in termeni duri, agentia pentru drepturile omului, cu sediul la Londra, a sustinut despre crimele din timpul operatiunii armatei israeliene intitulata Fructele maniei si indreptata contra Hezbollahului din sudul Libanului ca se afla cu totul in afara regulilor rasboiului. Amnesty a mai acuzat Hezbollahul de incalcarea legilor internationale prin aplicarea de tiruri cu rachete asupra civililor de dincolo de frontiera israeliana. "Informatiile pe care le detinem indica faptul ca fortele militare israeliene au atacat intentionat baza ONU. [...] Trasatura infioratoare a evenimentelor din Qana a fost inrautatita de refuzul guvernului israelian de a-si asuma raspunderea pe care o are", mentioneaza Amnesty. "Astfel de crime trebuie investigate, cei responsabili trebuie pedepsiti, iar victimele compensate", conclude Amnesty. 
Cum de se petrec asemenea atrocitati? Iata ce scrie Ari Shavit in articolul Cana: 102 morti fara fata -tradus din ebraica in Libération, 21 Mai "96: "Noi am ucis 170 de oameni in Liban, majoritatea fiind refugiati, in cursul lunii Aprilie "96. Multe dintre victime erau femei, batrani si copii. Noi am ucis 9 civili, dintre care o fetita de doi ani si un batran centenar, la Shamour, pe 11 Aprilie. Noi am ucis 11 civili, incluzand 7 copii, la Nabatyeh, pe 18 Aprilie. La baza de la Cana, noi am ucis 102 oameni. Ne-am asigurat ca vom provoca moartea de la distanta. Intr-o foarte seculara maniera, fara a avea ideea arhaica a pacatului, fara ancestrala grija de a considera omul ca imagine a lui Dumnezeu si fara vechea porunca: "Sa nu ucizi!" [...] Cand noi am decis sa stramutam jumatate de milion de oameni afara din casele lor si sa-i bombardam pe cei ramasi in urma (pe cand in Israel noi nu avuseseram nici macar o singura victima), am decis, de fapt, sa executam cateva duzini de oameni. [...] Noi i-am ucis pentru ca prapastia se adanceste intre caracterul sacrosanct pe care il atribuim vietilor noastre si caracterul tot mai limitat pe care il atribuim vietilor lor; aceasta ne-a permis sa-i ucidem. Noi credem [...] ca vietile lor nu cantaresc la fel ca si ale noastre. Noi suntem convinsi ca Dimona (centrul atomic israelian), Yad Vashem si muzeul Shoah in mainile noastre, ne dau dreptul sa dispunem ca 400.000 de oameni sa isi evacuze casele in opt ore, sa consideram casele acestor oameni ca fiind tinte militare. Si ne rezervam dreptul sa tragem o ploaie de 16.000 de obuze peste satele si populatiile lor. Si ne mai rezervam dreptul sa ucidem fara nici un sentiment de vinovatie. Insa toate acestea nu pot atenua gravitatea masacrului in stil israelian si responsabilitatea noastra... Bombardamentul de la Cana a fost executat conform regulilor, ordinelor si obiectivelor operatiunii Fructele maniei. Exista ceva gresit in aceste reguli, ordine si obiective. Ceva care nu mai este uman. Ceva ce atinge sfera criminalului. [...] S-au ucis 102 oameni la Cana. Nimic nu poate elimina Cana din biogrfia noastra. Pentru ca, dupa Cana, noi nu am denuntat crima, noi nu am vrut sa prezentam chestiunea in fata legii, noi doream sa negam oroarea si sa ne vedem in continuare de treaba. De aceea Cana a devenit o parte din noi insine, asemeni unei trasaturi pe fetele noastre. La fel ca si masacrul comis de Baruch Goldstein (in Pestera Patriarhilor, asupra musulmanilor care se rugau) si asemeni crimei comise de Yigal Amir (precum si reactiilor ce au urmat), toate acestea fiind manifestari ale semintelor putrezite in inima culturii noastre national-religioase, si masacrul de la Cana este tot un graunte de putreziciune in inima culturii secularizate israeliene: cinismul sau, brutalitatea, instrumentalismul, egocentrismul celui puternic, aceasta tendinta de a spulbera frontiera dintre bine si rau, dintre ce este permis si ce este interzis, aceasta tendinta de a nu cere dreptate, de a nu cauta adevarul." 


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O recenta diversiune impotriva Miscarii Legionare 
Comitetul Mondial Anticrestin are in subordine si organizatia celor care il slujesc pe diavol, numiti satanisti. Telul acestora este cel cunoscut: de nimicire a Bisericii Crestine si a credinciosilor ei. In atracurile lor mai recente, intrebuinteaza diversiunea, folosind in manifestarile lor satanice practici ascunse care pot insela oamenii. Printre adversarii importanti ai satanismului se numara Miscarea Legionara. Pentru denigrarea Garzii de Fier, satanistii din Occident au inregistrat un Compact Disc ce cuprinde cunoscutele cantece legionare, raspandite acum sub denumirea de "Fericita nunta a mortii". 
Acestor cantrece legionare, pe versuri care apara Crucea si Tara, satanistii (in prezentarea inscrisa pe disc) le modifica intelesul crestin. Ei submineaza valorile crestine ale textelor aici amintite, rastalmacindu-le pe linia decadentei satanice in care ei se  afla. Defaimari asemanatoare aduse cantecelor legionare au mai existat si alta data; insa despre acestea nu se poate afirma ca ar fi fost vaduvite de mesajul iubirii fata de Dumnezeu si neamul romanesc. 

Exprimarea tendentioasa a cuvantului "extremism" apartine intentiilor de denigrare a Miscarii Legionare, acuzatie pe care legionarii o resping. Binele si raul nu se pot amesteca. In situatia descrisa intalnim binele contra raului, dragostea crestina in locul urii comuniste si legionarismul contra extremismului. 
Comparand textele cantecului legionar, in care gasim entuziasmul tineresc de aparare a neamului aflat in pericol, acestea nu depasesc spiritul ofensiv al textului din Imnul National al Romaniei, din care vom reproduce urmatoarele fragmente: "Murim mai bine-n lupta cu glorie deplina, decat sa fim sclavi iarasi in vechiul nost' pamant"; sau - din acelasi Imn, dintr'o strofa mai putin cunoscuta: "De fulgere sa piara, de trasnet si pucioasa, oricare s'ar retrage din gloriosul loc". Din Hora Unirii: "Iarba rea din holde piara, piara dusmanii din tara". Sau, textul integral din Doina lui Eminescu. Pentru cele mai mici manifestari legate de titlurile amintite: Desteapta-te, Romane!, Hora Unirii si Doina lui Eminescu, interzise pe timpul comunistilor, au fost condamnati mii de romani la ani multi si grei de inchisoare politica. 
Satanistilor si celor ce inclina spre satanism, le raspundem cu textul sfintit de jertfa lui Ion Mota:


"Se tragea cu mitralieira in obrazul lui Hristos. Se cutremura asezarea crestina a lumii. Puteam noi sa stam nepasatori? Eu asa am inteles rostul vietii mele. Am iubit pe Hristos si am mers fericit la moarte pentru El". 

Patronul Garzii de Fier este Sfantul Arhanghel Mihail, pe a carui icoana veche, la inceputurile vietii legionare, Capitanul a gasit scris:

"Spre inimile cele necurate care vin intru preacurata casa a lui Dumnezeu, fara mila intind sabia mea". 


3 Septembrie 1996 

A consemnat Zaharia Marineasa


GVE-letter, October 28th, 1996 

The following material is written by Mr. Zaharia Marineasa,  soldier of the Legion Archangel Michael - the Iron Guard, political prisoner for 21 years; he was among the organizers of the Legionary guerrilla war in the Banat Mountains against the Soviets, commanding a fighting group in the mountains and taking orders from the Romanian National Govt. in Vienna, led by Horia Sima; in 1949 he happens to be the one who opens the fire against the Soviet-Communist forces in Banat, soon captured by the Communist Security and jailed in Aiud, mid Transylvania, the main prison for Legionaries, until 1964.





Under this title: "Legionarism against Extremism", published in Gazeta de Vest - the "Western Gazette" - in March 1995, in Timisoara, I was trying to answer some unfounded accusations against the Legionary Movement by Communists and other ocult cosmopolitan organizations. My arguments had a rather general character, this is why the accusation of anti-Semitism was granted less importance than needed. 

Sustained and aggressive Jewish provocations have now made anti-Semitism the main object of this response. 

First one should agree on the meaning of anti-Semitism. Let us admit that it means "hostility to Jews". But why hostility? From here on, opinions will certainly diverge: on the one hand there will be the Jews, claiming to be the undisputable elect of earth and heaven, on the other - the contesters of such claims, all conventionally labelled "anti-Semites". 

Even referring only to earthly happiness, excluding from this discussion redemption and eternity. Christianity will grant equal rights to everybody, with no religious or ethnical discrimination. It states: "Blessed be the meek, for they shall inherit the earth". Christianity proposes the path of God`s love to all people, which the Jews reject, thus assuming the risk of the unhappiness they have been experiencing, like a curse. Therefore this painful incongruity will be termed by us correctly as "the Jewish problem", and not "Romanian or Legionary anti-Semitism". For on examining the causes that engendered this problem, we shall first discover the great anti-Christian and anti-Romanian aggression. 

The examples and comparisons offered in this article will provide evidence that the anti-Semitism the Legionaries are accused of is an unfounded malicious statement of the Jews. 

Here are a few excepts from leters addressed to Mr. Traian Popescu, director of the Publishing House Carpatii - "The Carpathians" - in Madrid. One on the letters is signed by David Kaufman and bears the signet of the Jewish Community of America: 

"We would rather the Communist regime lasted for another century than that you should ever defile Romania`s territory with your last fossils that still survive here and there. You haven`t got rid of us and never will, because it is us who rule America and the entire world". 

Mr. Traian Popescu`s answer: 

"Such insults can only disqualify those who poffered them, and the absolute rule over America is a problem we do not feel entitled to interfere with or discuss. Yet, what looks incredible is that an institution of major importance in the setting-up and the struggle for self-assertion of the Jewish state, such as the Jews' Community in the USA, should allow its members to circulate pamphlets like the one we reproduced above, which can only worsen the conditions of peaceful cohabitation the political leaders of the contemporary world have been trying to compel upon the planet, with such praiseworthy efforts." 

From another letter we quote the following lines: 

The Jewish Community of America 

To Mr. Traian Popescu - 29 July 1984 

"How dare you, old idiots, ignore our immense power permanently exercised over the world in all times (...). We conquer as an international ocult: the Freemasonry. We conquer as workers` International Communism (...). 
Christ, your king and emperor, yor God, was set by us... (elementary decency impedes us to repeat the dirty words about Christ)(...)". 

Fragments from Mr. Traian Popescu`s answer to Marius Ligi: 

"No, Mr. Marius Ligi; all this is nothing but the tendentious concoct of a perverse propensity to falsifying the historical and human truth. The Legionaries did not murder. They punished a few of the moral and direct authors of the dreadful persecutions they had been submitted to. The Legionaries did not flee responsability, like the cowerdly left-wing terrorists; they surrended to the authorities and they received the legal punishment for their deeds. 

There has never been Legionary anti-Semitism of racialism; the aim of Captain Corneliu Codreanu was only to reinstate the Romanians in their brutally infringed rights. 

One should rather say that anti-Communism turned into anti-Semitism when it became obvious that 90% of the agents preaching Moscow`s marxism were Jewish". 

22 February 1979 - RIVAROL 

Aaron Vangelis was the manager of the most important Jewish newspaper in the Soviet Union ("Sovietisch Heimland", written in Yiddish, having a 10,000 copy circulation). 

At the VIIth Congress of Jewish Problems, held in New York, he categorically stated: "I am here to remind you that we had a revolution, called the October Revolution. We, the Jews, shed of blood for it. We waged the Second War in order to defend it, because we are building there a new world... I am thinking of the wonderful Jewish history, of our heroes, the Maccabees, of the Warsaw martyrs, of the Jewish heroes of the Soviet revolution."


Before the birth of the Legionary Movement, in Romania has already existed a Jewish problem 

Further on, we give excerpts illustrating the attitudes of several of the most important Romanian men of culture to the Jewish problem in Romania.


Vasile Conta (philosopher) 

"If we don`t fight the Jewish element, we shall disappear as a nation". 
(From the speech he delivered in Parliament against the revision of the 7th article of the Constitution, on the 4th of September 1879, published in the Official Gazette Nr. 201/1879).

Vasile Alecsandri (poet, playwright and politician) 

"Who are the invaders, where do they come from and what do they want?(...) They are the most exclusive people in the whole world (...) and they intend to turn the whole country into Jewish property. The blame would fall on us, Romanians, if (...) by applying certain humanitarian theories, we ourselves would land a hand for the implementation of such a plan. This country`s people would turn away from us in pain". (From the speech delivered in the Senate against the revision of the 7th article of the Constitution on the 10th of October 1879, published in the Official Gazette, nr. 230/1879). 

Mihail Kogalniceanu (great man of state and historian) 

"In Romania, the Jewish problem is not religious, it is a national and an economic one (...). All those who visited the Principalities, and especially Moldavia, were terrified by the dreary aspect (...) created by the Jews. Therefore, not since the other day, but since many years ago, at all times and under all rules, all the princes, all the men of state of Romania have been anxious to set limits to the exploitation of the Romanians by aliens, by the Jews". (From the message of Kogalniceanu, Minister of internal affairs, to the Minister of foreign affairs, regarding the Jewish problem; published by M. Bujoreanu, in 1873, under the title: "Directions and Circular Letters", Chapter X, pp. 813-816). 

Mihail Eminescu, (the national poet of the Romanians) 

"Unfortunately, we are convinced that the officialities of Europe are fully aware of the situation in this country (...), that the consular agents have statistic data more accurate than our own, that European diplomats are aware that we are the ones threatened and persecuted by threatening and persecuting Jews..."; (an example): "Mr. Flaislan tells us in the general report of the Hygiene Council that in 1878, in Iasi, 1.454 Christians died and 1.093 were born, i.e. the number of the dead exceeded that of the newborn by 361, while among the would-be persecuted Jews, 1.602 were born and 1.428 died, the newborn exceeding dead by 174". 

Eminescu concluded his article in newspaper 'Timpul' ('Time'), 
on the 25th of May 1875 with Prince Vasile Lupu`s curse: "He who betrays his land and people be chastized worse than parricides". 

"Such plotting made the Jews lose even the few friends they had among the Romanians. But since we see them allied to foreigners against the country they live in, so as to obtain rights, let them obtain those rights from the foreigners themselves". (Timpul, August the first 1879). 

In his article "Dire is the state...", on the 19th of June 1881, Eminescu offers the statistics of the population in Iasi, covering the decade 1870/1879. Here are the data for that decade: 10,329 Romanians were born and 15,952 died, so at the end of the period the Romanians were fewer by 5,623; 17,446 Jews were born and 12,294 died, so there were 5,192 more Jews at the end of the same decade. According to the most elementary computation, in less than a century, the Romanians were to be totally eliminated from Iasi by extinction. 

From an article published on the 13th of October, 1881: 

"Driven out from the great Russian empire, persecuted in Germany, hated in Austro-Hungary, the Jews keep crossing our boundaries in vast flocks. The Romanians, like any other nation, have the innate right to defend their historical legacy... The choice of the means depends on the times and on circumstances". 

From another article: "Whenever the Jewish problem is being discussed, a Romanian writer is afraid his words will be interpreted as racial hatred, as national or religious prejudice. We have to ask the question: what is the social usefulness of Jews, why are they needed, economically and politically, in a country whose population tends to get extinct as soon as it comes in touch with them? The Romanians are lazy, immoral, vice-ridden; yet, why aren`t they immoral and vice-ridden wherever there are no Jews?" 

(These quotations come from Eminescu`s political works published between January 1 and December 31, 1891, in "Timpul", reprinted by the Publishing House of the Academy, in 1985). 

Ion Heliade Radulescu (man of culture, poet and politician) 

"Can`t you see that the Jews from England and France are not asking for citizens` rights in Romania, but for privileges, for supremacy..." (From Equilibrium between Antithese, by H. Radulescu, Bucharest, 1859-1869, part III, under the title "Israelis and Jews, chapter X, pp. 380-383). 

Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu (great writer and man of culture) 

"Consequently the Talmud holds directions for Jews to act against us: "If you are stronger than the Christians, exterminate them..." (From "Studies on Judaism", Bucharest, 1866, Vaidescu Publishing House, Bossel class nr. 34, pp. 30,31). 

Costache Negri (man of culture and politician) 

"The Jewry, i.e. 1/7th of our population, represent the saddest pest brought upon us by our own weakness and venality". 

(From a letter to Lupascu, sent on the 12th of January 1869, published in the volume C. Negri, by E. Garleanu, Minerva p.h., 1909, p. 116). 

A.D. Xenopol (great historian) 

"The Romanians are received in Jewish houses only as servants or porters. Consequently, in relation to the Romanians, the Jews apply the most rigurous exclusivism, and they cannot give it up since it is compelled upon them by their very religion". 

(From "La question israelite en Roumanie" par A.D. Xenopol, Paris, p. 17). 

Vasile Parvan (great historian) 

"... for we, the would-be very enlightened people (...) have no time now to deal with such trifles as the Jewish cancer, which is destroying Moldavia..." 

(From "About Jews", republished in 1981, p. 98). 

Nicolae Iorga (great historian) 

"As will be shown, the Jews settled down in sporadic groups only in the 18th century". 

"Romanians can achieve anything and can compete with anybody, provided they be assisted by their own country..." 

"The Jews haven`t brouhgt with them any new craftmanship that might represent a creation or tradition of their own... In the domain of small industry, they were mere bunglers, in that of 
commerce they were only useless go-between, no partnership with others was accepted, except for acts of corruption". 

"Politically equal to us, who have created and enlarged the state, they, the Jews, had the duty to leave the ghetto behind. 
Have they done so? They keep on living by themselves as an invading nation (...) They simply push us out of our own country. Realizing their ever growing power, they strangle us (...) and, which is still more destructive, they alter our souls, degrade our morality by means of their journalistic and literary opium...". 

(From the volume 'Iudaica'). 

Dr. N. C. Paulescu (scientist, the discoverer of insulin) 

Here are a few fragments from his books. 

"The Talmud contains the Jewish legislation, while the Kabala and the Freemasonry are organizations acting for their rule over mankind". 

"Among their methods there are perfidious systems to set the nations to work for their own ruin and destruction". 

From the chapter "Letter to the Jews: "One of your own writers, Bernard Lazare, says in his book 'Anti-Semitism', published in Paris in 1894: "Wherever the Jews settled down, anti-Semitism appeared". After this sad revelation, he added: "The general causes of anti-Semitism must be there in Israel itself, not in those who oppose it". In fact this is not a religious conflict. "Polytheistic peoples, as well as the Christian ones, have been fighting not against the single God, but against the Jews". 

The same author asks the question: "One ought to wonder why the Jews were hated and maltreated in turns by the Egyptians and the Romans, the Persians and the Arabs, the Turks and the Christian nations". (Driven out of England in the 13th century, from France in the 14th, from Spain in 1492 o.n.). And Lazare also provides the answer: "Because always and everywhere down to our times, the Jews have been unsociable... exclusionists..." 

About this answer, dr. Paulescu says: "Although true, it stays obscure, because in fact the Jews are hated by all peoples (...) because they remain the slaves of stealth and arrogance". Consequently, anti-Semitism is the manifestation of the instinct of self-defence. 

I.C. Bratianu (great man of state) 

(On the preservation of article 7 in the Romanian Constitution, for the rejection of article 44 of the Berlin Treaty). Here is a fragment of Bratianu`s speech: "How should Jewish deputees be admitted to this Parliament, they who haven`t developed any Romanian feelings so far, who are aliens here by language, customs and their entire way of life..." "Which of the great powers in Europe could ask to us to destroy our own nation for the sake of a principle?" 

Numerus Clausus 

"The students are demanding that the number of Jewish students in our Universities be limited to the proportion between the total number of Jews realted to that of the Romanians". In the Universities of Iasi and of Cernauti, the Jews represented over 70 per cent. 

Professor I. Gavanescul wrote about this problem in The Imperative of This Historical Moment, pp. 64/68. 

Octavian Goga (poet and politician) 

(From 'The Must That Boils', Scripto p.h., 1992, p. 291). 

"... the immigration goes on, unrelented, methodical, as if directed by a well conceived strategic plan. 

If any attempt at a gesture of defence against it implies being labelled anti-Semites... and denounced as hooligans..." 

p. 305: "A response could not be avoided here either. The movement of young university people provides the most telling evidence of a modified situation. The horizon seems to be clearing up again and the breeze of idealism reminiscent of the one at the time of Marasesti is bracing us up again". 


Metropolitan Bishop Irineu Mihalcescu 

(From The Battling Theology; the P.H. of the Roman and Husi Bishoprie, 1994, pp. 165-174). 

About Freemasonry: 

"The firmly established origin of Freemasonry can be dated back in 1717. The foundation was the deed of the reformed preachers at the royal court Teofil Desaguliers, James Anderson and the archeologist George Payne, under the name of Free Stone Masons` Society, meant to cultivate a morality with no religion. 

Yet, Freemasonry underwent changes and assumed various forms in pursuit of different purposes, due to the Jewish component that penetrated and subdued it to Jewish interests". 

"Indeed, the Jews, who took control of finances, industry, commerce, the press, a.s.o. in all countries, could not miss taking hold of such a wonderful means of dominion (...). Consequently, in 1756, Stefan Morin, a Jew, set up the 25 degrees of the Templars' Masonry, a number which, in time, rose to 33. Another Jew, Joseph Balsamo, (1785) set up the Coptic Masonry with 90 degrees and allowed women into the lodges. Other Jews, the Bedarride brothers in Avignon, founded the Misraim Masonry, also having 90 degrees (...). In the Catholic countries, especially in France, they fought against the Church and the monarchy. The encyclopedists and almost all the makers and leaders of the great French revolution were Freemasons. The disaster of France in World War II was entirely due to Communism, a creation of Freemasonry (...). 

Freemasonry is totally different from its description as provided by Masonic teaching (...). Since Masonry has been organized by Jews, the war waged by it is directed with utmost bitterness against Christianity. `The Gospels must be burnt` says a rabbi, `because paganism is less dangerous to the Jewish faith than Christianity`. 

Mitropolite Nicolae Balan about Freemasonry (The Holy Sinaxis of the Romanian Orthodox Church approves in 1937 the study on Freemasonry by Mitropolite Nicolae Balan). 

The pretended Masonical principles of helping each other, shown as being teached and applied by Freemasons, are existing in Christianity. The Christian who wants to practice these principles can do it inside the Church, he doesn't need to enlist in secret organizations of Jewish paternity. 

The Romanian Orthodox Church, as the other Christian churches, has condemned the Freemasonry. In 1937, the Holy Sinaxis of the ROC approved the study of Bishop Nicolae Balan, Mitropolite of Transylvania, wich says: "The Freemasonry is a global secret organization inside wich the Jews have a significant contribution, fighting against the moral-religious concept of Christianity. The Freemasonry is enemy to God and Nation." 

This decision remained unrevoked by the Church. 

About Mitropolite Nicolae Balan, in the period of Antonescu's regime, the Jews are writing (recognizing) that he intervened for their salvation. 

In Romania, after August 23rd 1944, top representative men of the Freemasonry entered in the Communist 'nomenklatura', such as Mihail Sadoveanu, Mihail Ralea, N.D. Cocea, Victor Eftimiu and others. 

The existence of some Freemasons among the politicians who were presents at the achievement of the Great Romania can be explained by their situation of beginners in the Freemasonry, of simple no-grades members, which did not knew the hidden principles of the Freemasonry that are against Christianity. 


* * * 

These quotations belonging to some of Romania`s most important men of culture are presented here on purpose in order to demonstrate that there had been a Jewish problem here long before the appearance of the Legionary Movement. 

In what follows, by the examples and estimate offered, I shall try to make the Legionary attitude to the Jewish problem stand out clearly. 


* * *

 Rabbi David Safran 

In 1979, in Jerusalem, he published the book entitled 'Marx was an anti-Semite'; in one chapter he rendered his interview with Corneliu Codreanu at the Green House (the Legionary Headquarters in Bucharest). 

"... we had been speaking for two hours. It hadn`t been an ordinary office discussion; the pains and sufferings of the world had been there in it (...). His truths and mine were burning, torturing brain and soul, desperately asking for answers, for arguments, for us to part as friends. 

I can still see him rising, stretching out his hand and telling me: 
"This interview has given me great pleasure. I don`t know whether we have solved our problems, but we have certainly come to a few bits of the infinite mystery of creation. I am not here to arouse hatred and vengeance. My soul is pure. I can`t tell whether all Legionaries think in the same way. If any Jew has been hit or morally hurt, please forgive the perpetrators. They are only human beings, maybe even good Christians. 
It is not the superior people we are trying to educate, it is the simple ones." I left. I weighed his last words for a long time. In his understanding and emotion I could discern the beginning of logic. 

Then came the road roller. 

Codreanu was murdered by order of King Carol II, in 1938. 

I don`t know if I was right reproducing this discussion with C.Z. Codreanu. I wanted to expose the ideas of a political leader who accounted with his life for his convictions, dragging along with him masses of innocent people, thirsty for a bit of justice". 

Horia Sima, Commander of the Legionary Movement 

Here is a fragment of 'The Legionary Doctrine', P.H. of the Legionary Movement, Madrid, 1990. 

"Concerning research work on the Legionary doctrine, it is necessary to make it clear that not all the declarations and assertions are part of the Legionary doctrine patrimony. 

There are certain less characteristic ideas, related to the past of our nation, to which the Legionary Movement was obliged to respond. Anti-Communism, anti-Judaism, anti-politicianism - are only accidental. Along with the disappearance of the causes that brought them about, the above-mentioned attitudes will also disappear as effects. In order to understand this series of `anti-`positions, we have to consider the specific national and political situations which engendered them. 

In its ultimate roots, the Legionary doctrine is a new conception on life and world. Corneliu Codreanu never became the prisoner of purely negative attitudes against the evils that were wearing out the vigour of the nation; he also offered a new perspective on existence to those who followed him. It is only this positive, creative and lasting section of his thinking that constitutes the Legionary doctrine. The rest, without being denied necessity and importance, has to be placed within the transient frame of political programs". 

Nicu Steinhardt 
(Jewish writer, Christianized in jail, died as an Orthodox monk) 

(From 'The Diary of Bliss', p. 132). 

"There was no cell in which the young, especially the Legionaries, shouldn`t have given me help and assistance". 

p. 183: "These Legionaries who would give away the little bit of bread they go to the sick, these youngsters who had lived for years like wild beasts in the mountains, these children set up a 
Revolutionary Romanian League...". 

Ioan Ioanid (a writer, former political prisoner) 

(From the book 'Our Everyday Prison', vol. I, the Albatros P.H., 1991, p. 52). 

Like N. Steinhardt, Ioanid had never been a Legionary, he came to know them in prison, and assumed the responsibility of judging them by himself. Here is what he wrote: "From among all the groups and categories of political prisoners I met during those many years I spent in jail, it was among them that I found the largest proportion of dignified attitudes, honourable behaviour and faultless characters. I lived together with them in almost all the prisons, in mutual respect and trust, which I proudly considered an appreciation of my strife to behave so that I should never have reasons to be ashamed of myself. They were always ready and willing to help me, especially morally, and the strength of character of some of them set examples for me, even if I was unable to reach those standards".  

Prof. Raul Sorban 

A Romanian citizen who was awarded the honorary citizenship of Israel. On the Romanian television he declared that the Legionary Orthodox archpriest Muresan in Cluj saved two Jewish children from the Holocaust. He also wrote in the magazine "Totusi iubirea", Jan. 1996, in an account regarding the rescue of Transylvania Jews during the Hungarian occupation (quote from a fragment referring to Legionaries): "Letitia Papu was a Legionary; she led several groups of Jews from Turda to Bucharest (...). Yes, she was a Legionary. 
I was looking for people who shouldn`t be suggested... I told her: "Letitia, we could save people`s lives. Do you want to help me?" She agreed with no hesitation. `But, I said, they are, according to your way to speaking, `stinking Jews`. She answered it didn`t matter. Yes, that was what I told her, let it be clear, and her answer was it didn`t matter. She led I don`t know how many groups to Bucharest". When asked whether this had been for mercantile reasons, if she had been paid for it, Raul Sorban answered: "Letitia Papu never did it for money". 

Radu Gyr (Legionary poet, spent over 20 years in prison) 

During the four months of Legionary rule in 1940, the poet, who was a Legionary Commander and held at that time the position of General Director of the Theatres, initiated  the foundation of "Baraseum", the Jewish Theatre in Bucharest, which was not done in any other country during the German expansion. 

The enumeration of such examples could go on. Several Jewish actors bore testimony of this in Radu Gyr`s trial. Nowadays, a certain Tesu Solomovici, in "The Historical Almanach", 1996, displaces the date so as to favour General Antonescu, although the same Mr. Solomovici, within the same article, says that on the 8th of September 1940, Antonescu had signed a decision by which all the Jewish actors were purged from the theatres in Romania. Who is supposed to profit by such forgeries?


* * * 


It is true, of course, that the Legionary Movement opposed the Jewish influence and interference in the policy of the Romanian state, influences which, especially through the royal palace, went as far as the physical suppression of Legionaries. The late chief rabbi Moses Rosen, author of the book 'Dangers, Hardships, Miracles', the Hasefer P.H., Bucharest, 1991, wrote, on p. 44: "Carol II maintained his liaison with Mrs. Lupescu (Magda Wolf) and it was she who held the real power from behind the throne, influencing the whole policy of the king". Neither shall we deny the Legionary opposition to the Jewish monopolization of the Romanian commerce and finances. But this opposition was neither religious nor racial, it 
always stayed within the limits of legal and equal competition. 

Some of my further arguments are identical to those I offered on other occasions in the GV, in response to the same accusations, which keep being hurled against the Legionaries. 

About violence: - The Legionary Movement has permanently been accused of violence. In the light of the most elementary statistics, as related to the violent actions  perpetrated against the Legionaries by those who held the political power in the state, the Legionary response represented less than 1 per cent. It was an American historian who came to persuade the Romanian historians of this truth, in a tv broadcast. Concerning violence, the Legionaries hold by far the last position among parties. One must also mention that the Legionaries surrendered to the authorities and acknowledged their deeds, accounting for them with their lives, while those who were holding the power and were expected to observe the law, often 
executed Legionaries without any trial or legal sentence. Even the verbal rendering of the crimes against Legionaries is dreadful. They were strangled, burnt alive in crematoria, shot dead by hundreds and exposed in public places. Most of them were intellectuals, students, among them about ten priests, 
brutally snatched from their homes and families and, like so many others, shot with no trial. Under the Communist regime, scores of thousands of Legionaries were imprisoned and killed. 

The terrible "Slaughter House" accusation was proved entirely false. A list with all the signatures of the employees of the slaughter house at that time appeared in the press, a document which has radically refuted this shameless forgery. In the official Jewish books themselves, prefaced by former Chief 
Rabbi Moses Rosen, there is no mention of the Slaughter House episode. 

The Jewish casualties during the so-called Rebellion are also unjustly attributed to the Legionaries. In those days tens of times more Legionaries were killed than Jews, but not one word has been said about them. In all the prisons there was not one Legionary sentenced for having killed a Jew, or a Romanian soldier, in spite of the desperate efforts of the official historians, highly interested in obtaining evidence for this accusation. 

As far as the Iorga-Madgearu case is concerned, both the leadership and the mass of Legionaries condemned the crime. According to one version, this terrible deed is attributed to the KGB, and was meant for the disparagement of the Iron Guard, a hypothesis which is to be proved in the future on the basis of documents of the secret services. 

In all cases, whoever the perpetrators of violences might have been, the Legionaries deeply regretted they had occured. 

Regarding Totalitarianism 

In no Legionary book can anybody find statements rejecting pluralism and democratic elections. The Legionary criticism of democracy was directed against its negative features, such as corruption, injustice, demagogy, and whatever they involved. When king Carol II established his personal dictatorship, Corneliu Codreanu categorically rejected this form of government. 

Even if democracy is not related to a final goal of the nation or of society, such as he Christian goal of the Legionaries: "the redemption of the Nation in the name of Jesus Christ", it will stay always valid as a method and a social system meant to ensure the political and social relations among people. For Legionaries, the order of importance will remain: God, the Nation and democracy. 

Furthermore, in the magazine "Axa", in 1933, Ion Motza wrote, regarding the legionary political conception: "We have never wanted to replace the constitutional democracy with an arbitrary dictatorship..." The Legionary Movement was not totalitarian, but authoritian, which is a totally different thing. 

No Law Court, whether national or international, has ever indicted the Legionary Movement as being a Fascist or a National-Socialist organization. 

Regarding the accusation of subordination to German National-Socialism. 

In order to refute this accusation, we shall quote a few less well known historical notes from the volume Romania after the Great Unification, published by Mircea Musat and Ion Ardeleanu in 1988. On page 380, they say: "During the electoral campaign in 1937, the German Party in Romania concluded an electoral alliance with Tatarascu`s National Liberal Party 
(not with the Legionary Movement)". On page 332 of the same book: "When Hitler started organizing the Transylvanian Saxons, Motza said that these Germans were expected and obliged to stay loyal to Romania. Romania was going to accept only loyal national minorities, enemies would not be tollerated, admitting that animosities might occur in relation to this problem. 

From the archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the telegram nr. 1508, September 3rd, 1940, sent to Fabricius, ambassador of Germany in Romania at that time, by the Foreign Ministry of Germany, shows the desire to support Carol II against the Legionary attempt at overthrowing the royal dictatorship. 

The assertions that the Legionary Movement used to obey orders from NS Germany are false. Only opposition to Communism coincided in the two ideologies, the Legionary Movement seeing in Communism the greatest anti-Christian threat. 

It is also known that the elimination from government of the Legionaries in January 1941, as well as their imprisonment in the German concentration camps at Dachau, Buchenwald and Oranienburg, had been decided by Hitler himself. 

At that time, by its imperialist policy, the German Reich betrayed the enthusiasm of the European national forces, willing and apt to fight Communism. 

23rd of  August 1944 (Capitulation and occupation of Romania by the Soviets) 

In order to correctly  integrate our deeds into history, we have to clarify our attitude to the events on the 23rd of August, 1944. From this date on, the national Romanian state ceased to exist. The country was turned into a vast prison, occupied and ruled by Soviet Communism. The real representatives of this nation remained those who continued fighting in the mountains, in prisons, abroad, along with those who opposed Communism at leat in their minds and souls. 

Enlisting in the Communist party very seldom expressed a real change in the intimate convictions and loyalties of the people. Only those who collaborated by criminal deeds of oppression, terror and murder against the opponents to Communization shall remain for ever guilty. 

The amplitude of Romanian resistance to Communism stayed unequaled in any of the neighbouring countries and will remain one of the most luminous episodes of our history, by the fighting carried on in desperate, hopeless conditions, by the moral essence of the opposition to satanization, for national dignity. Many died in the mountains, many were executed with or 
without trials, hundreds of thousands were tortured, terrorized, imprisoned. This desperate resistance expressed the deep spiritual rejection of capitulation. The Romanian nation continued and continues to exist as a nation, not as a mere population, by the sacrifice of those who did not surrender, paying with their lives for their opposition. 

Other accusations against Legionaries 

In June 1990, the legionaries were accused of having routed the police forces of the Ministry of Internal affairs, while at present, on the contrary, pains are taken to eliminate the Legionaries altogether from the history of anti-Communist struggle. 

Another important event was the parachuting of Legionaries by the Americans between 1951 and 1953. Remembering the Romanian state of mind in those years, the curse so well deserved by the Anglo-Americans for Yalta and the concessions made to the Soviets was replaced by the wide-spread hope of liberation expected from the same Anglo-Americans. Willy-nilly one has to admit that the confidence shown by the Americans to the Legionaries is closely related to and part of the hopes and dreams of our historical survival. Here we must mention that the Legionaries have permanently fought Communism, considering it the worst enemy of Christianity and of mankind. They fought together and in alliance with others who (even if only in certain periods) were waging the same war. 

We also have to insist that the parachuted Legionaries did not come to spy for the Americans, but in order to organize the struggle meant to overthrow the Communist regime, an action related to the international conflict expected to be finally triggered off by the aggressiveness of Communist Russia against the Western alliance. 

In defence of the Legionary Movement one can and must offer the testimony and moral warrant of great personalities who were Legionaries and never denied their Legioanry loyalty: Nae Ionescu, Mircea Eliade, Constantin Noica, Aron Cotrus, Radu Gyr, Petre Tutea, George Manu, and so many more. The ones 
mentioned above continued the line of such great forerunners as Eminescu (nowadays accused of being a proto-Legionary), Hasdeu, Parvan, Iorga, Goga etc.). 

A few cosmopolitan citizens who take pains to shake off their nationality took the liberty to utter verdicts and demand the exclusion of the names mentioned before from the Romanian Culture, by declaring them Legionaries; repudiating these peaks of Romanian nationalism would mean running the risk of our disappearance as a nation. 

The Legionary Movement is not there on the list of European organizations incriminated by the Nurnberg Court; we found this statement in "Revista mea", published in the state of Israel, nr. 1394, January 18, 1990. 

If we were to believe Communist propaganda, all the disasters of Romania could be attributed to the Legionaries, as though it were the Legionaries who governed the country for 50 years. It is common knowledge that the Legionaries participated in the government for only four months, in 1940, in a period when there were over one million refugees from the territories given up by Carol II: Transylvania, Basarabia, Bucovina and Southern Dobrudja. A terrible earth quake came to further worsen the situation. It stands to reason that, even under normal circumstances, nobody can take over the administration of a country entirely within such a short period. Let us bear 
in mind that the present government has already been in power for almost seven years, and yet, they keep complaining about the state of things they inherited from the former regime.


* * * 


Any attempt at eliminating the Legionaries from history is bound to fail. Even admitting that all the Legionary faith, fight and sacrifices could be reduced to only three moments, which we will briefly mention here, these three acts would suffice to ensure an honourable place for the Legionary Movement in Romania`s history. 

1) In 1936, Corneliu Codreanu wrote to king Carol II: 

"It is terrible to admit that we, the young, should be condemned to witness the chopping up of Great Romania, that the deeds of politicians be allowed to burden the shoulders of the young generation. Tightening relations with the Soviet Union is an act of treason to the Romanian people, to God and to the moral order of the world. Should the Russian troops enter this country and conquer in the name of de devil, they will not leave before satanizing, that is Bolshevizing us". 

2) Another memorable moment was the sacrifice of Motza and Marin in the Spanish Civil War. In his testament, Motza wrote: 

"Never since the Redeemer descended among us one part of mankind risen with so much hatred to demolish the Christian order of the world, while another part rose to defend it (...). If we do not wake up and set out against the devil`s hosts, the collapse will come and nobody can tell how much time will lapse before our descendants may again become worthy of rule by the Church... Let us not leave behind to our sons a land devoid of God`s protection (...). They were shooting with machine guns in the very face of Christ. The Christian order of the world was shaking. Could we have stayed indifferent? This is how I understood the sense of my life, I loved Christ and I happily went to die for Him". 

It was at the same time, in 1936, that the official representatives of Romania, king Carol II and Titulescu, sent an aid of 100 artilery guns and 15 planes to Communist Spain. 

3) The third highly significant moment was the decision of Horia Sima, the Commander of the Legionary Movement, to continue the anti-Communist war at a time when the world`s democratic countries were collaborating with the Communists (1944-1946). Through Horia Sima the Legionaries stayed 
true to Corneliu Codreanu and went on fighting the Bolshevik satanization.


* * * 


A sadly reproving question will keep being addressed to historians: they strive to bring to light the smallest, the most unimportant anti-Communist gestures of others; why are the ones above being ignored? Isn`t this falsification by omision?


* * *


The Legionaries have also been accused in relation to education. Here are a few texts regarding education extracted from Corneliu Codreanu`s writings. We are convinced that not even the bitterest enemies can deny their moral validity: 

"Before being a political, theoretical, economic etc. trend, the Legionary Movement is meant to be a spiritual school; once a man has entered it, he is expected to come out of it as a hero, concentrating in his soul the best and noblest features of the Romanian people. He shall always fight along the paths of honour; rather than conquer by infamy, he should die on the path of honour. A hero in the social sense, incapable of exploiting and oppressing others after his victory, a hero capable of building up beautiful country by honest creative work. He shall never become a profiteer or a knave. If for a politician politics is a business, for a Legionary politics is a religion. A Legionary has to be correct, righteous and pure at heart". In a circular letter, Captain Corneliu Codreanu wrote, addressing the politicians: "You who keep accusing us of violence after applying against us the worst violences, thus pushing us to despair and sin... we will prove to everybody that we will not respond in any way to any of your provocations... you may beat us on the soles, hang us upside down by our feet and hammer nails into them... there still will be no violence or resistance on our part". 

On another occasion, addressing Legionary students, Captain Codreanu recommended: "... utmost propriety of behaviour to everybody, starting with your professors, down to the people in the street. Choice combatants never are insolent, provocative, disrespectful, inelegant in gestures or speech". 

About the Church, Captain Codreanu says: "The line of the Church runs high above ours. It reaches perfection and the sublime. We can`t lower this line in order to explain our deeds. We only strive and tend towards that line". 

"It is characteristic of our times that we grow ever more Christian in forms, but less and less Christian in contents. We love victories over people, not against the evil one and against sin. Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler etc. were and are mainly concerned with the former kind. Our movement constitutes an exception, it being concerned, but insuficiently so, with Christian triumph within people`s consciences, thus having in view redemption. Insufficiently. The ultimate aim of this nation is ressurection in the name of Christ". 

Such precepts guiding the Legionary education can`t have represented any danger to this country. They were the backbone of Legionary young age education, meant to lead to sustained endeavour towards spiritual accomplishment and self-control. Yet, so many Legionaries were murdered only for having stayed attached to these pure principles. 

In the estimation of the present times, from a spiritual point of view, the Legionary Movement is a right-wing one, relating its principles and action to the Christian ethic. This criterion will deny any claim of it`s belonging to the political center. At the center there is only God, and, by our deeds, we can only place ourselves either to the right or to the left of Him. Developing this line of description, the extreme right ought to hold maximum love and kindness. This sort of right wing has nothing in common with chauvinism. 

Legionaries are against dictatures because those can lead to tyrany, but the Legionaries are the same against a limitless Liberalism which can lead to decadence and anarchy. The key of an equilibrum is found by them only in the Christian love. 

On another occasion, I wrote in the GV that "the denigrations of the Legionary Movement will turn like a boomerang against those who launched them. These disparaging authors did not take into account that such forgeries might lead the youth on 
the road of violence again, a path alien and opposite to the Legionary one". 

Those who keep directing their attacks against the Legionary Movement ought to re-think their attitude to it. Seven years have passed since the Revolution in December 1989 and the Legionaries cannot be accused of one single act of vengeance against those who tortured and murdered them in the past.


* * * 


It is here that I feel obliged to refute the accusations of rabbi Moses Rosen against the Romanian people regarding the number of Jews killed on the territory of Romania. 

The rabbi claims that up to July 1, 1991, he had been afraid of uttering the number of 400,000 Jewish victims of the Holocaust on Romanian territory. Whom shall we believe? Sabin Manuila (a Jew), director of the Statistics Institute of Romania, together with W. Filderman, the former president of the Jews' Community in Romania? In 1957, the two published a booklet in English, with the title: 'Regional Development of the Jewish Population in Romania'; in which they provide a different description of the Holocaust in this country, concluding that here the number of Jewish victims was the smallest among all the countries under German occupation. 

In the book 'Jewish Martyrdom in Romania, 1940-1944 (Documents and Testimonies)', with a preface by Moses Rosen, at the HASEFER P.H., 1991, chapter regarding the Rebellion on the 21-23 of January 1941, pp. 68-71, it is stated that 120 Jews were murdered. Since then there has been quite a competition in increasing the number of Jews assassinated during those events. Even a would-be Legionary called Milcoveanu wrote in the periodical "Invierea" ('Ressurection') that 178 Jews were killed during the Rebellion, a figure higher by one third then the one claimed by the Jews themselves. I have already insisted that in fact none of those victims can be ascribed to the Legionaries. 

In order to show how unbelievable rabbi Moses Rosen`s complaint is (that he had been afraid of publishing the real figure of the Jewish casualties under the former regime), we shall offer below a list of Jews, all belonging to the highest level leadership of Romania in the early years of Communist rule (these data come from 'The Plot against the Church', by Maurice Pinay, pp. 73-77). 


Jews in the Romanian government: 


1) Ana Pauker, alias Anna Rabinsohn, minister of foreign affairs and agent nr. 1 of Moscow in Bucharest; 

2) Ilka Wasserman, the real director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 

3) Iosif Kishinevski, alias Jacob Broitman, vice president of the Cabinet and member of the Central Committee; 

4) Teohari Georgescu, alias Burah Tescovich, Minister of Internal Affairs; 

5) Lothar Radaceanu, alias Lothar Wuertzel, minister; 

6) Miron Constantinescu, alias Mehr Kohn from Galati, Minister of Mining, member in the CC; 

7) Moses Haupt,  general, military commander of the Capital; 

8) Laurian Zamfir, alias Laurian Reschler, general, chief of the Securitate, born in Braila; 

9) Heinz Gutman, chief of the Civil Secret Service; 

10) William Suder, alias Wilman Suder, chief of the counter-espionage; 

11) Walter Roman, alias Walter Neulander, Petre Roman`s father, organizer of the Securitate, chief of the service of Education Culture and Propaganda of the Army; 

12) Alexandru Moghioros, Minister of the Nationalities, a Jew from Hungary; 

13) Alexandru Badan, alias Alexander Braunstein, chief of the Commission for the Control of Foreigners; 

14) Maior Lewin, former officer in the Red Army, chief of Press Censoship; 

15) Colonel Holban, alias Moscovich, chief of the Securitate in Bucharest; 

16) George Silviu, alias Gersch Gollinger, secretary general in the Ministry of Internal affairs; 

17) Erwin Voiculescu, alias Erwin Weinberg, chief of the Department for Passports in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 

18) Stupineanu, alias Stappnau, chief of the economic espionage; 

19) Emmerick Stoffel, a Jew from Hungary, ambassador of Romania in Switzerland; 

20) Harry Fainaru, alias Hersch Feiner, chief of legation at the Romanian Embassy in the USA; 

21) Ida Szilagy, a friend of Ana Pauker`s, the real leader of our London Embassy; 

22) N. Lazarescu, alias Burach Lazarovich, charge d`affairs of Romania in Paris; 

23) Simon Oieru, alias Schaeffer, subsecretary of State; 

24) Liuba Kishinevski, alias Liuba Broitman, president of Anti-Fascist Romanian Women; 

25) Lew Zeiger, general director in the Ministry of the Economy; 

26) Doctor Zeider, legal expert in the Ministry of External Affairs; 

27) Silviu Brucan, alias Bruckner, editor in chief of "Scinteia", the official newspaper of the Communist party; it was he who led the campaign of Communization; at the same time he led and staged an anti-Semite campaign in Romania; 

28) Samoila, alias Samuel Rubinstein, governor general of `Scinteia`; 

29) Horia Liman, alias Lehman, second editor at "Scinteia"; 

30) Engineer Schnapp, governor general of the great daily "Romania Libera"; 

31) Jehan Mihai, alis Jacob Michael, director of the Romanian Film Industry; 

32) Alexandru Graur, alias Alter Brauer, director general of the Romanian Radiophonic Society; 

33) Mihai Roller, unknown before his arrival from the Soviet Union, President of the Romanian Academy, author of a falsified history of Romania; 

34) Prof. Weigel, a tyrant of the Bucharest University, the one who led the operation of purging anti-Communist students; 

35) Prof. Lewin Bercovich, another tyrant of the same University, controling the University staff, brought from Russia; 

36) Silviu Iosifescu, alias Samson Iosifovich, the one who censured the writings of Eminescu, Alecsandri, Vlahuta etc. eliminating whatever was not convenient to Communism; 

37) Ioan Vinter, alias Jacob Winter, the second Marxist literary critic in Romania; 

38) Three secretary generals of the Gemeral league of Labour were also Jewish: Alexander Sencovich, Misha Levin and Sam Asriel (Serban); 

39) Alexandra Sidorovici, Silviu Brucan`s wife, publicprosecutor in the People`s Tribunal in 1945; 

40) Leonte Rautu, minister and member of the CC; 

41) Petru Borila, father of Ceausescu`s son-in-law; both were members in the Political Bureau, in charge of the Communist political teaching. 

Could it really be possible that rabbi Moses Rosen was afraid of denouncing the Holocaust? 

Not all the Jews in Romania were Communists, but most of the Communist leaders in Romania between 1945 and 1965, the most savage period of our misfortune, were Jews. During this period, the two ministries of the new public order, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and that of the Security, were led by Jews: Teohari Georgescu, Nikolski, Pantiusa, Dulberger, Keller, Zeller, down to the regional level of the Security, as, for instance, in Banat, which I know best: Koloman Ambrus, Mois, Kling Zoltan, Steiner, Schellbach, Rafila, a.s.o. It was now that hundreds of thousands were arrested and tortured, the terrible collectivization was taking place, that the prison regime was the most murderous. 

On remembering the horrors of the so-called re-education in the political prisons we cannot help shuddering at the devilish hatred of the officers of the former Security in charge with the inquiries, so many of them Jewish. They used to say to the Legionary prisoners: "We will discredit you in the eyes of the people and in your own. Even if you were made of concrete, you shall not resist. We`ll make up files about all Legionaries, as many documents for history, by which when both the inquired and the inquirers are dead, the Legionary Movement will become known to the future generations in the way we, the Securitate, will have decided". And, indeed, it is almost only the files of Legionaries that are revealed to the public. We have come to find out that some Legionaries resisted re-education at the cost of their own lives. Others were sentenced to death and executed last they deny their declarations extorted by hardly imaginable tortures. Others broke under the burden of long-lasting suffering and torture and finally signed self-disperaging declarations. Yet never did any of them, not even those who gave in to torture, renounce in their intimacy the belief that their Legionary struggle had been dedicated to faith in God and the love for their nation and country. 

We can`t help reminding the readers that at the beginning of Communization in Romania, in the early twenties, the agents were Jewish: Ghelerter, Gheller, Spengler, Pauker, Moscovici etc. The first terrorist attack, on the 8th of December 1921, was perpetrated by a Jew, Max Goldstein, a member of the Communist party leadership. He threw a bomb in Parliament, killing two ministers and seriously wounding other two. 

On November the 10th 1975, the UN condemned Israel's state policy in Palestine stating that Sionism is asimilated withracism. 

I have hardly heard from the Jews any expression of regret and repetance for their Communist past. There has been no public dissociation from the Communist ideology which they served or from the Communist party whose leaders they were and who, at their 5th Congress, demanded that Romania be demolished as a state, from the hundreds of thousands of crimes this 
party committed in 45 years of dictatorship. Do the Jews have nothing reproach to themselves? 

Nowadays, in Romania, they are busy rehabilitating the memory of assassins, not that of victims. 

There is no way of justifying your latest attacks against Legionaries either, because none of the 16,000 Jews still living in Romania can claim that he or she has been ever threatened by a Legionary. In exchange, the Jews have been permanently attacking the Legionaries. 

Furthermore, any Christian Church seems to represent an insult for the Jews. In the chapter on Ecumenism, p. 370 in his book 'Biblical Essays', Moses Rosen wrote: "How can the Christians be so insensitive as to build a monastery in such a place of Jewish martyrdom?" He was reffering to the Auschwitz 
concentration camp, in which so many Christians had died too. And he continues: "For us, the Jews, the monastery represents a deliberate insult..." 

Andrei Cornea, a writer, misuses his ethnical origin. On the 16th of December, 1995, at the Winter Display of books in Brasov, the volume 'Insemnari de la Jilava' ('Notes from Jilava Prison') by Corneliu Codreanu was being presented. 
Then the account of the contents reached the episode of Corneliu Codreanu`s assassination by strangling, Andrei Cornea shouted: "It served him right!" The frail figure of the writer cannot persuade us that this was an act of great anti-Romanian courage. He was serenely relying on Corneliu Codreanu`s statement: "You who keep accusing us of violence after applying against us the worst violences, thus pushing us to despair and sin... we will prove to everybody that we will not 
respond in any way to any of your provocations... you may beat us on the soles, hang us upside down by our feet and hammer nails into them... there still will be no violence or resistance on our part." In that hall there were about 100 legionaries or sympathizers of the Legion, and not one of them answered the provocation. A Jewish intellectual has recently reproached the Orthodox Church for making requiems for Legionaries murdered by Communists. Let us imagine what a similar attitude to the Jewish Holocaust would arouse! 

This sustained disparaging action of the Jews was taken up by certain Romanians as well, it's being known that the Legionaries are denied the right to retort. There are several publishing houses and publications which permanently attack the Legionary Movement. Calling to account these voluntary denigrators we ought to remind them of minimum morality rules, which would recommend that those denied the right of self defence should not be attacked; otherwise what difference would there be between now and the times of Teohari Georgescu and Nikolski, when it stood written on the walls of law courts: "We will judge with hatred!" 

Among the most outrageous acts of injustice, we must quote that of the Romanian Parliament who, against the provisions of the Constitution, have accepted to forbid the Legionary Movement by direct nominalization. If the separation of powers were real, such a nominalization should be done by the judicial power: the Parliament is only supposed to elaborate the laws, laws equal and compulsory for all the citizens, those in power included. 

In the Constitution of our country, like in the modern democratic legislation of other countries, all citizens are declared equal, irrespective of the party they belonged or still belong to. The Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI), signatory of the law, presented no judicial sentences indicting the Legionary Movement. We also note that former Communists, burdened as they stand of hundreds of thousands of crimes in this country, keep lecturing us in the mass media, delivering lessons 
on the validity of Communist principles, although it is common knowledge that the so-called "class struggle", the expression of "class hatred", is one of their basic principles, the concept belonging to the great founders and practitioners: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin etc. 

We should not forget that history has punitively sanctioned Nero for the statement: "Non licet esse cristianus" ('It is not allowed to be a Christian'). Nowadays they say "It is not allowed to be a Legionary: and this act of oppression is not better motivated than Nero's; tomorrow`s history will sanction this new infringement of justice in the same way. Why should the Legionary Movement be forbidden, when in all the Western countries nationalist movements participate freely in the political life? 

Here is another instance: the laudative articles of Nichifor Crainic regarding the Legionary Movement were replaced by the author himself, under severe pressure by the Security during the re-education process in the prison at Aiud, by denigrating ones. They waited until the author died, so he was unable to retract what he had written under terror, before publishing his writings. 

What is the reason, we wonder, for such permanent threats addressed by the Jews to Legionaries? For if they are after arousing fear, all this will remain useless. The Legionaries still have at hand, like always, their invincible availability for sacrifice, more powerful than the whole arsenal of modern weaponry. 

The weekly TV serial of Mr. Iosif Sava keeps pleading for reconciliation with the former Communists. Among them he includes all those who gave orders, as well as the executioners of the opponents to Communism. From Mr. Sava`s generous proposition of reconciliation, only the Legionaries are to be excluded, although the latter had acted in legitimate self-defence, and, unlike the Communists, acknowledged their deeds and paid for them tenfold with their own lives. Mr. Sava, the Legionaries do not have debts to pay for any more, they have already lavishly done so. Why do you refuse to utter the number of Legionaries murdered with no judicial sentences by those who held the power in this state? 

There will come a time to answer questions, when in front of God and our own consciences, many will have to account for the omissions made or accepted. 

Most of the books and articles written by foreigners and published abroad about the Legionary Movement - except for a few, the ones systematically favoured by the Humanitas publishing house for quotations - include studies and estimates favourable to the Legionaries. There also is a pretentious magazine dedicated to the study of totalitarianism: so far, the only incriminated are the Legionaries. Is it possible that the regimes led by Carol II, by Antonescu, or the Communist regime, which for 45 years had been calling itself a regime of wide popular democracy, should be declared democratic? 

There are people who find similarities between the Legionaries and the Communists, some of the former being accused of collaboration with the Communist regime. I must ask those people how they could explain the savage persecutions launched against Legionaries, by far the most brutal and sustained as compared to those against other political oponents. 

Let us admit that some of the former sympathizers of the Legionary Movement managed to avoid being arrested and sneaked over to the Communists; yet, such anonymus turncoats were by far less representative that Tatarascu, Ralea, Voitec or other important personalities of pre-war democracy. Some of these accusers were "fellow travellers" who greately contributed to bringing in and consolidating Soviet Communism in this country. During the Soviet occupation one can find their names in the press of the time, often praising to the sky the liberating Red army, making statements anybody should be ashamed of nowadays: "Stalin and the Russian people liberty 
have brought to us!" was the essential slogan. Their late separation from this alliance ought to oblige them to some respect for Legionary struggle and sacrifices. Everybody knows that even the children and relatives or Legionaries were expelled from schools, universities and jobs. Colonel Filip Teodorescu who held the second position in the General Direction of the former Securitate wrote in his book entitled "Un risc asumat" ('A Risk Assumed'), p. 243: "We came to the conviction that all Legionaries must permanently be kept a sharp eye on, up to their death, and so should their descendents". 

A sustained attempt is being made to minimize the vast popular sympathy the Legionary Movement enjoyed in the last pre-war elections, especially among the young. The Legionaries obtained over 15% of the seats and Eugen Cristescu, at that time chief of the Secret Service, declared that the Legionaries were defrauded of about 10% of their share in the ballot; 
we should also mention and insist that they were also deprived of the votes of the yound aged between 18 and 21, by the electoral law, just because that the majority were known to be pro-Legionary. 


* * * 


In the daily "Evenimentul zilei" nr. 1232, July 13, 1996, p. 3, in the article "Romanian Workers Die by the Score in Israel", we are toldthat about 60,000 Romanians work there, every tenth Israeli coming from Romania. But here the Romanian workers become slaves. Their passports are confiscated by the employers, they have to work 10-12 hours a day, to live in bug-ridden rooms, the mortuaries being filled with Romanian corpses. The Israeli authorities do not take measures to oblige the employers to ensure for them a minimal decent living standard, not to mention any claims of equality with Israeli citizens. And all these are but modest complaints, never addressed or denounced to the UNO. We do wonder, has the terrible experience of the Holocaust not taught the Jewish people any respect for the suffering of others? 




Further down we shall present recent accusations of 
Amnesty International and of Ari Shavit (an Israeli reporter who had faught the war in the trenches) against the state of Israel. 

In July 1996, the Reuter agency reported: "In April, the Israeli artillery deliberately shelled a UNO refugee camp in Lebanon. The attack killed over 100 civilians". 

The London-based agency for human rights severely condamned the attack, outlawing these crimes of the Israeli army committed during the operation "Fruit of Wrath" against the Hezbollah. Amnesty International also accused the Hezbollah of infringing international laws by rocket attacks against civilians beyond the Israeli frontier. The information we possess shows that the attack of the Israeli army against the UNO camp international. The dreadful features of the events at Cana were worsened by the refusal of the Israeli government to assume the responsibility for them. "Such crimes must be investigated, those found responsible must be punished, and compensation must be granted to the victimes", concluded Amnesty International. 

How do such atrocities occur? Here is what Ari Shavit wrote in his article "Cana: 102 dead with no face", translated from Hebrew in "Liberation", May 21, 1996: "We killed 170 people in Lebanon, most of them refugees, in April 1996. Many 
victims were women, children and old people. We killed 9 civilians, among whom a 2-year old little girl and a one hundred year old man, at Shamour, on the 11th of April. We killed 11 civilians, including 7 children, at Nabatyeh, on the 18th of April. At the Cana basis we killed 102 people. We made sure we 
would cause death at a distance. In a very secular manner, ignoring the archaic idea of sin, without any ancestral care to consider man an image of God, ignoring the ancient commandment "Thou shalt not kill! (...) When we decided to compel half a million people to move from their homes and to shell those who were left behind (while back in Israel we had had no casualties), we actually decided to execute several dozens of people (...) We killed them because the gap between the sacred character we attribute to our own lives, and the less and less important one we ascribe to theirs has been ever widening, this; what allowed us to kill them. We believe that their lives will not be wighed like ours. We are convinced that in order to have a firm grip on Dimona (the Israeli atomic center), Yad Vashem and the Shoah museum, we have the right to order 400,000 out of their homes within eight hours, to look upon those houses as military targets. And we also assumed the right to shoot 16,000 artillery shells upon those villages and populations. And we also assume the right to kill with no feeling of guilt. Yet, all this cannot attenuate the gravity of Israeli-style massacres and our responsibility... The shelling at Cana was carried out according to the rules, orders and objectives of the operation "Fruit of Wrath". There is something wrong with those regulations, orders and objectives. Something that has ceased to be human, something of the sphere of the criminal. (...) One hundred and two people were killed at Cana. Nothing ever can eliminate Cana from our biographies. Because after Cana we did not denounce the crime, we did not want to bring the case in front of a law court, we wanted to deny the horror and go about our business. This is why Cana has become part of ourselves, like some trait in our complexion. So has the massacre committed by Baruch Goldstein (in the Cave of Patriarchs, upon Muslims at prayer) and like Yigal Amir`s crime (as well as the responses that followed), all this being manifestations of the rotten seeds at the very heart of our national-religious culture. The massacre at Cana also is a seed of rottenness at the heart of secularized Israeli culture: its cynicism, brutality, instrumentalism, the self-centredness of the powerful, this tendency to blow up the frontier between good and evil, between what is allowed and what is forbidden, this tendency of not demanding justice, of not seeking the truth". 

We shall conclude with Saint Macarie`s recommendation in the Fourth Homily, pt. 20, where God`s long-lasting patience 
to us is described, to us and to the Jews alike: "The goodness of God is still here for them (for the Jews, o.n.), but not in the sense that God should repent and renounce His demand for the Jews to reform". 

    by Zaharia Marineasa on September the 3rd 1996 

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